7 Lies In 2 Minutes !

Do you read the links you post or the watch the videos? Hate to say it Ed but those links don't really help your defense of Alex Jones. No where did those links show any evidence that there's some diabolical plan to kill 80% of the worlds population. The problem with reading "between the lines" is that often people insert their own ideas, or fantasies, between those lines.

Also I did not see anything to support the statement made by prisonplanet that Israel is developing weapons to kill Muslims. Since there's no such thing as a Muslim gene could you explain to us how such a weapon would work? Surely you could find something on the net to support that. Maybe you could find something that explains why Alex Jones uses and anti-Semitic Holocaust denier as a source of information for his shows? Or why he repeats the often repeated lie about Payne Stewart.

And the video with the doctor, are you kidding me?

Here's some Lyndon Larouche also. Actually it's someone else who wrote it, not that it makes much of a difference. As G1966 said, Really?
Why do I bother?
Is PBS credible enough for YOU? PBS- Plague War; or are they a bunch of "liberals. Go to the bottom. The question is: So genetic weapons and research into genetic weapons, broken down means what?
You know that muslim is not an ethnic group so why do you keep repeating that asinine statement?
Journal of Medical Ethics If they say it "may become a scientic reality" its because it already is!
Why do I bother?
Is PBS credible enough for YOU? PBS- Plague War; or are they a bunch of "liberals. Go to the bottom. The question is: So genetic weapons and research into genetic weapons, broken down means what?
You know that muslim is not an ethnic group so why do you keep repeating that asinine statement?
Journal of Medical Ethics If they say it "may become a scientic reality" its because it already is!

Yes Ed, why don't you ever bother to fact check? Or read the links you post. Because I have yet to read anything that supports this insane notion that there's a diabolic plan to kill 80% of the worlds population. Nor anything to support the claim that Israel is developing a weapon to kill Muslims. And yes Ed I know that Islam is not an ethnic group. It was the Alex Jones site that made that idiotic claim, not me.

By the way Ed if you had bothered to read that first link of yours you might have caught this. The American program was highly successful. It was dismantled at its peak. It was dismantled for broader political reasons and to take a lead in hoping that it would stem the rising tide of biological capability elsewhere. Just as you would have figured out the article was about the USSR's covert bio weapons program. Nothing to do with Alex Jones paranoid fantasies that he sells to suckers.