Another Non Rev ?


Aug 17, 2005
On US Airways when you list for a flight, don't get on, roll over to the next flight are you ahead of people listed on that next flight (even senior) or does the list re-order each time??
On US Airways when you list for a flight, don't get on, roll over to the next flight are you ahead of people listed on that next flight (even senior) or does the list re-order each time??
[post="305798"][/post]​ could be #1 for a seat on the flight but no seats open. You would roll-over to the next flight, where you may be #5; it all depends on how much seniority someone has. I actually got bumped by a parent of an express employee. Where does AWA employees parents fall in pecking order?

I was surprised the other day when I was in CLT and got on a PSA airplane. A mainline pilot opted to take the jumpseat (in uniform). The flight was almost full and the PSA aircrew member (civilian clothes) walks up and says that since it (the plane) belongs to PSA, he has the right over the mainline pilot to take the jumpseat. I almost fell over. He bumped him out and the captain ended up in the rear with us....
The gate agent said it is not about seniority since it was a PSA plane. Wow.
Does anyone know how leaves of absences are treated with the new travel policy? (ie military)
night_ice said: could be #1 for a seat on the flight but no seats open. You would roll-over to the next flight, where you may be #5; it all depends on how much seniority someone has. I actually got bumped by a parent of an express employee. Where does AWA employees parents fall in pecking order?

I was surprised the other day when I was in CLT and got on a PSA airplane. A mainline pilot opted to take the jumpseat (in uniform). The flight was almost full and the PSA aircrew member (civilian clothes) walks up and says that since it (the plane) belongs to PSA, he has the right over the mainline pilot to take the jumpseat. I almost fell over. He bumped him out and the captain ended up in the rear with us....
The gate agent said it is not about seniority since it was a PSA plane. Wow.
Does anyone know how leaves of absences are treated with the new travel policy? (ie military)
I believe jumpseat policy at most airlines is separate from the non-rev policy. Pilots & dispatchers at the airline operating the equipment get priority over other airlines' pilots.

At HP, non-employees (including parents, spouses & dependents) only get the "employee" priority when they travel with the employee (SA2P). When traveling alone, they get SA3P priority. (Actually, with the new policy, those numbers hcnage to SA3P & SA4P). USAirways employee will have a "New" priority of SA3C. That basically means they travel after HP employees, but before HP dependents/spouses/parents (traveling without the employee).
night_ice said: could be #1 for a seat on the flight but no seats open. You would roll-over to the next flight, where you may be #5; it all depends on how much seniority someone has. I actually got bumped by a parent of an express employee. Where does AWA employees parents fall in pecking order?
(ie military)

That is definetely a strike against striaght up DOH. Good grief a junior employee could get bumped for eternity! Guess junior employees are probably very shy about trying to use their flight benefits. It's just wrong for a hard working junior employee sitting all day at the terminal, been bumped two or three times hoping to catch the last flight of the day to get on the airplane and have someone with a family of six bump him just cause they have a week more senority. It would leave a sour taste in anyone's mouth. That's just crazy if true. If DOH is adopted they should consider rolling over gives that person priority within the boarding class. Works that way at HP. Rolling over gives you priority over the same boarding class. Only makes sense.

AWA employee families are after active employees if NOT flying with the employee. If flying with the employee they recieve the same status.
EricLv2Fish said:
It's just wrong for a hard working junior employee sitting all day at the terminal, been bumped two or three times hoping to catch the last flight of the day to get on the airplane and have someone with a family of six bump him just cause they have a week more senority. It would leave a sour taste in anyone's mouth. That's just crazy if true.

Just remember........everyone is junior when you get hired. Stick around for a while and then your not so junior. In my years of flying i've been bumped by someone senior to me but I didn't feel like I was a victim. I just sucked it up and waited patiently til my seniority got me on a flight.
Seatacus said:
Just remember........everyone is junior when you get hired. Stick around for a while and then your not so junior. In my years of flying i've been bumped by someone senior to me but I didn't feel like I was a victim. I just sucked it up and waited patiently til my seniority got me on a flight.

What he said. I tend to travel on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays when there are double digit seats available, always dress for first class and have my voucher, and I make it 98% of the time. Trying to squeeze into a flight with 7 seats and 12 listed is normally a waste of my time. I honor the years of service of those ahead of me by DOH and would certainly enjoy the same honor in twenty years.

Justme said:
What he said. I tend to travel on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays when there are double digit seats available, always dress for first class and have my voucher, and I make it 98% of the time. Trying to squeeze into a flight with 7 seats and 12 listed is normally a waste of my time. I honor the years of service of those ahead of me by DOH and would certainly enjoy the same honor in twenty years.


...if I ever get recalled!