AT+T to reap 20 "B" $$$$$ in Trump Tax plan Savings.

Better yet...they made the headlines by giving their employees a $1,000 bonus. But what they didn't say was that the only reason they got $1,000 was because the union was asking them for a $4,000 increase in pay that republicans promised the average household would earn.
Then CLOSED 44 Call centers since 2011.

NOW That's what I call a Re plug blican Version of Making Corporate America GREAT AGAIN !!!!!
They are hiring in Tulsa. :)

So they are hiring stateside.

Even if AT&T (Ma Bell) kept those jobs stateside they would contract them out. They would be low paying temp jobs with no benefits and no prospect of ever going full time on the host company's (AT&T) payroll.

The truth is under MOST circumstances call centers are not skilled labor. You call and tell them your issue and they use an internal search engine to attempt to find a resolution. If they can't then it goes to tier 2 (the people that actually know what they are doing). So why would AT&T want to pay a bunch of American unskilled labor using an internal search engine an American middle class income when they can go to say..... India, and pay pennies on the dollar?

That being said I did a search on Indeed for Call Center Jobs, they are a dime a dozen.

Page 1 of 107,203 jobs.
Colin K = 'FREEDOM of SPEECH' aka the 1st. Ammendment, or have you forgotten your US History / school lessons already ??
Oh, I'm not criticizing the ex-foot ball player bears. I just think it's a little ironic this ex- foot ball player kneeling at our national anthem protesting mistreatment of the minority, which is, as you point out, his right, while his bigest sponsor "Nike" who says they totally back him, themselves participating in the same mistreatment!
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They are hiring in Tulsa. :)

Even if AT&T (Ma Bell) kept those jobs stateside they would contract them out. They would be low paying temp jobs with no benefits and no prospect of ever going full time on the host company's (AT&T) payroll.

Page 1 of 107,203 jobs.

Wasn't Obama criticized by the right because the "jobs" created under him were low paying jobs? What makes them "greater" under T Rump???
Colin K = 'FREEDOM of SPEECH' aka the 1st. Ammendment, or have you forgotten your US History / school lessons already ??
Maybe you need to learn what freedom of speech actually is. You also need to learn how to spell amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The amendment was designed to limit the power of government. More specifically it was designed to keep the government from punishing those who criticize it.

When he (Colin) is on the field he represents his team and the league. If he says or does something they, as his employer, deem inappropriate they have a right to fire his ass, period. The right to free speech offers no protection against that. If it did Roseanne Barr would still have a job.

I just think it's a little ironic this ex- foot ball player kneeling at our national anthem protesting mistreatment of the minority, which is, as you point out, his right, while his bigest sponsor "Nike" who says they totally back him, themselves participating in the same mistreatment!
Actually it is not his "right".

You, just like Bears, show your ignorance of the function and intent of the first amendment.
Yes he was.

Who said they were better? I certainly did not. Low pay is low pay. I will say the economy is much better under Trump than it was under Obama.

You all admire T Rump for speaking the truth. How many people really cared about the unemployment numbers, so long as THEY had a job? I can't think of many. They had theirs. And T Rump touts"His" stock market as a great indicator. What did the stock market do under Obama? Did your 401k earn nothing for 8 years? Or did it start 2017 in pretty decent shape. BTW, back in 2016 even T Rump said the stock market was the ONLY thing that did good under Obama (it wasn't) but even then, it was in a "big fat ugly bubble". Then it goes up even higher. So which is it....a big fat ugly bubble, or the best economy in history?

And the right was quick to point out that the jobs created under Obama were all low paying. What was their fix? Abolish the minimum wage. When a $15 minimum wage was proposed what did they say? Places just won't hire, and the costs to YOU will go up. So...we put a tariff on Chinese goods and the price to YOU goes up, since manufacturers and importers are not the ones who pay the tariff...YOU are. He "reopens steel plants", yet we are not back to the glory days of steel jobs in the US....we have a handful created. And he "brought the industry back". At lower pay. But a job is a job (except under Obama). Oh yeah...those Carrier jobs still moved to Mexico But you have to take that article with a grain of's from the highly liberal "Popular Mechanics". BUT....and this is important....the dear leader seems to have struck a deal with Mexico, so you won't have to pay more for a Mexican built Carrier.

Then he passes a tax cut and a lot of people got a one time bribe of $1,000 while companies bought back stock, which made the execs (who got an even bigger tax cut) richer. How much of that has trickled down to you? Companies aren't reinvesting the tax cuts here...they are paying the shareholders and execs. The are "creating" low paying jobs, but the've been creating low paying jobs since the trend continued into the T Rump years. What was your raise like this year? We were promised that with all these tax cuts, companies would either create jobs or pass the cuts along to the current employees, which is the money "trickling down" into the economy. So...what kind of a raise did you get that wasn't already part of a union negotiated pay deal? Personally I don't know of anyone who got a hefty pay raise because of the tax cuts. They are quick to say the "average family" will pay $4,000 less in taxes. That's not a pay raise, and it's only temporary. Rates will "snap back" in 4 more years. One has to wonder if the things they took away, such as the personal exemption will also "snap back" or will they just keep that one from you?

But what if T Rump was right in 2016? What if the stock market really IS in a "big fat ugly (uglier and bigger now) bubble"? I know the stock market isn't the only indicator of the health of an economy, but if history is any guide, when the stock market takes a hit, companies scramble to "cut costs". And their first cuts are to labor, so the jobless numbers will increase. But have no fear...PT Trump will blame it on Obama or the FBI or ANYONE other than himself - even though he was quick to take personal credit for it's rise.

Sorry...but I am one who tends to believe that the economy goes in cycles, and Trump got in on the upswing....he'll have to deal with the dips. And each passing day is one day further removed from the Obama era, which will make it difficult to blame him for the dip. So who will he blame? He doesn't seem to be able to shoulder any blame. Just look at his casino businesses...He owned two big casinos in a relatively small town, then built the worlds largest casino in the same town. All he did was draw business from his existing casinos until none of them could pay their bills. Did he take the blame for biting off more than he could chew? Naw..he blamed a dead guy.
So what you are implying is that "Nike's" employee's should be greatful for their emploement? What is the differance between
Maybe you need to learn what freedom of speech actually is. You also need to learn how to spell amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The amendment was designed to limit the power of government. More specifically it was designed to keep the government from punishing those who criticize it.

When he (Colin) is on the field he represents his team and the league. If he says or does something they, as his employer, deem inappropriate they have a right to fire his ass, period. The right to free speech offers no protection against that. If it did Roseanne Barr would still have a job.

Actually it is not his "right".

You, just like Bears, show your ignorance of the function and intent of the first amendment.
You are wrong La. The supreme court has upheld the concept of "free speech" in more than one case! The problem I have with the way it was done is that he did it while on the job. Yes, I feel he had a right to do it, but in doing so, should except the consquences of his actions. This is a major problem with liberals these days.