DAY/BWI downsizing questions

Aug 20, 2002
From the category of things I used to know:
When was the Dayton hub closed? I know it was in early 90's. And DAY Res Center?
How long did the nonstops from BWi to LAX/SFO last?
I want to say that they pulled the plug on Day in 1992. Most saw it coming as soon as the merger was complete due to it's close range of the PIT Hub. We all knew that keeping them both wasn't feasible, and the CCY gang wasn't goin to kill PIT in favor of DAY. Although, over time they found a way to do that too.
I can't pinpoint an exact year for BWI, becuase it was more of a slow painful death full of cuts until nothing was left.
From the category of things I used to know:
When was the Dayton hub closed? I know it was in early 90's. And DAY Res Center?
How long did the nonstops from BWi to LAX/SFO last?
I think DAYRO closed in 04 or 05. In 05 the only res office remaining open was INTRO
The DAY reduction was announced in the Fall of 1991. After that is irrelevant since the line was drawn and the troops began their pull out.