Delta court filing supports DL case


Corn Field
Dec 5, 2003

DL compares its pilots compensation to NW's and shows DL pilots remain slightly higher paid for most equipment despite NW's greater revenue generating ability.

DALPA claims they have "found" $200M in pilot cost savings from the 2004 agreement which DL has "missed". DL asserts they expected ramp-up benefits from the 2004 agreement which are found in every similar agreement.

DL asserts that ALPA is using DOT data and not internal data to calculate costs and that DOT data is not intended to be fully reflective of all costs.

DL shows that ALPA has waited until the last minute to talk during every deadline that has been given as part of these discussions. DL execs such as Ed Bastian attended negotiating sessions at ALPA's request although he normally does not.

DL says that AMR's pilots have used a more analytical approach to reviewing their company's data and have concluded that stability in the industry or for AMR has yet to be achieved, necessitating continued willingness to work with AMR/AA.

DL refutes ALPA's assertion that pensions will be terminated and thus cannot be calculated as part of the cuts requested.

...DALPA overestimates their previous contributions and underestimates non-pilot contributions.

...A strike would be illegal and could be enjoined. ALPA uses case law from companies governed by the National Labor Relations Act even though they know airline employee relations are governed by the Railway Labor Act.

...Retirees are not part of the CBA process and cannot inject themselves into the DL/ALPA discussions.

...ALPA does not acknowledge the threat that traditional LCCs or the new US have on DL.

There are 73 pages of documents in this filing alone. Any interested party would do well to read it carefully.

Sorry... you cannot directly access the document w/o going through the disclaimer and index of documents. This is docket #1170.