Does Swa Weigh Turbine Time Diff By A/c?


Dec 29, 2003
Here's an interesting question. Let's say I have the opportunity to go nab some Turbine PIC time in a Caravan right now, or go fly ERJs again (I have 2K+ in the ERJ, 500 as a PIC) as an SIC for another 18 months before upgrading to Captain again... What would be the best option?

SWA wants 1000 hours turbine PIC. By going to a Caravan I will have 1500 PIC Turbine by the time I would upgrade at an airline, thus saving a lot of calnedar time. Is this wise or should I go back to the right seat of the ERJ and pray for an upgrade that may take longer than 18 months?

I hope this makes some sense... It may not. I'll clarify if need be.

Thanks in advance for the input.
In the past all that mattered was PIC turbine. I had a classmate in my new hire class whose only fix wing turbine time was in the T-34. However with the computer putting weights on some items now there may be more of an emphasis on multi & 121 time. Again in the past it didn't matter, as for now no one knows for certain.