Has the aviation industry reached its peak cycle?


Jan 18, 2003
Have been reading and investing as well as watching the inflation index and couple that with a rising oil price that sees no end... is this the top of the 11 year peak for aviation? IMHO I thinik their is some validity to the statement, the industry is still to over leveraged and still to many seats out there. The industry has not seen the result of high oil and depleted cash reserves, if DA and NW come out this will not help pricing. Now I knows why Jim Kramer stays out of of airlines....it should make for a good discussion..
Now I knows why Jim Kramer stays out of of airlines....it should make for a good discussion..

No one in their right mind would invest a dime in aviation, unless you have some "inside" information. It still boggles my mind that people would put good money into any airline. It may be a "sexy" thing to own a piece of this industry, but don't expect to make much money or even break even on the investment. Most all of us have been burned several times on our stock options the company was so gracious to give in the past. Unless you're an airline exec, don't touch it with a 10'pole. They always seem to come out of it all smelling like a rose.... :down: