Here We Go Again

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phllax said:
I was on a USX Mesa CRJ over Thanksgiving weekend with 2 FA jumpseats, one at the front and one at the back.

That is quite possible....The CO EX jet (50 Seater) that I was on the other day had a J/S in the Back.... BUT.. NO Flight Attendant would sit there if they were the ONLY Flight Attendant. That would be utilized with either a 2nd F/A or a Flight Attedant Jumpseater.

Just wanted to go a Little more into detail on that for you.... Light Years answered your question but I wanted to make sure you knew that just because that Jumpseat is there DOES NOT mean the only Flight Attendant on board would be using it...IE the Evacuation..... !!!!!!!
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  • #17
PineyBob said:
Dear Colby & Light Years.

Thank you for an explanation of something that I as a Customer was not fully aware of. I found the thread quite interesting and the debate civil as well as informative.

If I ever notice this I will certainly call Consumer Affairs, Safety is Number One and God forbid we ever have to find out if a F/A can get from the back to the front to assist in a timely evacuation.

Glad to be of some good !!!! Hey, who knows maybe when you fly Express you'll request either a 1st row or a Window Exit...At Least after all you've learned being on here you'll be able to save yourself and Others!!!! MAKE SURE TO PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE DEMO !!!! ;)

I am curious if you heard anything back from CA on this issue? I recently flew on a Mesa ERJ flight and noticed that the F/A was sitting in 1A instead of his jumpseat. I waited until everyone was off the airplane and asked him why he wasn't using his jumpseat. He replied, "Because I don't have to. 1A is the alternate jumpseat, plus it is cold by that door." While he wasn't sitting in the back of the aircraft, I still feel that it is inappropriate to be sitting anywhere but the jumpseat, when it is operable. The jumpseat is there for a reason. It is designed differently the a passenger seat for a reason. If the primary jumpseat is operational, then your butt better be in it.