Key Quote


Your perception maybe from a year ago, but those kinds of booking do not exist on most of our flights today. With the shrinking of capaicity, the bookings and loads are full or nearly full. That is the "premise" for shrinking", is it not? SW is able to do it with 737; Jet blue with airbuses.

So why all the orders for Rjs? My perception is that we are "right sized" now.

But, Dave gives the indication of furture furloughs, and I believe, that's because the RJs are coming fast and Mid Atlantic will be the NEW U.

Just my opinion. Hope I'm wrong, and we're done furloughing.
Im with you on the furlough thing and yes i think we both know there
is a great deal more to come ahead. What i don't get is that last
VF7 94 f/a's were awarded the leave but yet they are still laying off
190. 76 active 114 inactive. So where did this save jobs?
They orginally said 190 were gonna be layed off. I don't see where
offering this VF 7 helped save any jobs! Do you know anything on this?
And we both know that in DEC about 1300 are due back. Sure some will
extend but youll have a good bit that won't. So thats gonna mean
alot more layoffs. I think layoffs with this company for flight
attendants will be for years to come. I know that sounds bad and
even i hate to hear/see it but its an on going process with voluntary
leaves and the ones who return.

I don't think even some that have been layed off will even see mid
atlantic. I was layed off june 4th and with the ones on probation that
were let go after the 11th....that makes it about 1,500 junior to me.
So now my friends senior to me are getting the boot as well. I don't
see mid atlantic needing over 2000 flight attendants...atleast NO time
soon. Maybe in two are so years.

And now with this terror threat about hijackings!! Everyone
needs to watch Dave and make sure he doesn't try to pull a trick know how he loves the FM word!!! Im sure hed love
to park a few more planes.
Good luck
and hang in there!!
>>My question to you is, without the feed that US depends on, what butts are going to be in the seats of the mainline aircraft?
On 7/30/2003 7:00:43 PM cltflyguy wrote:

Im with you on the furlough thing and yes i think we both know there
is a great deal more to come ahead. What i don't get is that last
VF7 94 f/a's were awarded the leave but yet they are still laying off
190. 76 active 114 inactive. So where did this save jobs?
They orginally said 190 were gonna be layed off. I don't see where
offering this VF 7 helped save any jobs! Do you know anything on this?
And we both know that in DEC about 1300 are due back. Sure some will
extend but youll have a good bit that won't. So thats gonna mean
alot more layoffs. I think layoffs with this company for flight
attendants will be for years to come. I know that sounds bad and
even i hate to hear/see it but its an on going process with voluntary
leaves and the ones who return.

I don't think even some that have been layed off will even see mid
atlantic. I was layed off june 4th and with the ones on probation that
were let go after the 11th....that makes it about 1,500 junior to me.
So now my friends senior to me are getting the boot as well. I don't
see mid atlantic needing over 2000 flight attendants...atleast NO time
soon. Maybe in two are so years.

And now with this terror threat about hijackings!! Everyone
needs to watch Dave and make sure he doesn't try to pull a trick know how he loves the FM word!!! Im sure hed love
to park a few more planes.
Good luck
and hang in there!!



Sorry to hear you were furloughed.

Initially, the Sept. furlough 7 was to be 170. How that works is that if two 55 hour option folks take a furlough, it only save 1 job. Same with 105 person who takes a furlough, will save 2 55 hour jobs. The reason for the reduction in Sept in the first place was not because of the flight reductions in Sept that the co. alledges is because of the anniversary of 9/11 and decrease bookings in that month, but really (and was not announced, but I found out) is due to a NEW "staffing model". Go figure.

One top of all that "crap" once the new reserve system is in place, the % of reserves goes from 40% to approx 25%; another furlough of approx 300.

THEN on top of that, we have the Dec. furloughees coming back from VOLUNTARY, estimated 1400 according to the company (anticipation), soooo, we are in friggen trouble as flight attendants.

I suspect, and predict that in approx 1 year, we will be down to 3,800-4,000 flight attendants on mainline. Remember, we had 10,300 f/a one and half years ago. So we are down OVER 50% of our ranks. I won't forget this, EVER. My prediction is also that within the term of this agreement, mainline will be near extinction, and we will be over at Mid Atlantic. Hope I am wrong, wrong, wrong. I know Pilots have the languge for 279 planes, but this mangement just needs one more event, (no matter how tiny) to enact a FM. I think they are banking on it.

In mangement's mind, they already THINK we are in a "forced M. situation as they said to the Labor task force that got together in June, they said they just haven't made a decision on it yet.

Believe me, I am very happy and grateful for the 5%, and through much "clammering" by labor, we got it back. But with this mangement, the suffering for employees is well NOT over.

Short of this mangement making an annoucement that the furloughs ARE OVER, and that we will soar together, or die together with what we have, I will put nothing pass what this mangement is capable of doing to us in the future.

I know you all remember, if you received the AFA pit president's newsletters from summer and all those in the winter, while we as members were voting, she predicted most of what is happening to us today and the industry, with regard to Labor.

In the meantime, for any inequities, or injustice to our group....WE WILL CONTINUE TO CLAMMER LOUD AND WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, THE HELL OUT OF MANAGEMENT, FROM NOW TO KINGDOM COME.