Letter from TWU/Transamerica life Ins.

Aug 20, 2002
I received this letter "jointly" from Transamerica/TWU "congratulating" me, that my 10-15 year old life Insurance policy was going to be ALLOWED(by them) for ME to continue the policy ??????????

It was sent from Staten Island.

I called them confused, then they told me, that(transamerica) wanted to DUMP this group policy, because THEY were paying out too much money, on claims(BOO-HOO)

They Also told me that, by law, Transamerica COULD DUMP IT, if they wanted to.

BUT FEAR NOT fellow twu AAers/retiree's.

Jim (chicken) Little "TOLD" transamerica that they would have a Giant fight on there hands, if they followed through.

A "meeting in the middle" occured !!

Transamerica said OK, but we have to RAISE RATES !!!

(Sound familiar) ??

And, thats what "they" Did.

Actually the increase was so that the TWU and the AFL-CIO can skim more cash flow into the $2.6 Billion Dollar Political Campaign Contribution War.

It is has nothing to do with claims paid out.
Every time I look at insurance, TransAmerica offers nothing but bait and switch, empty promises, double talk and high rates.
A while back Sonny Halls son, who is now deceased, worked for "Future Planning Associates", lo and behold, as the TWU negotiated away benifits, Future Planning Associates began offering coverage for the things the TWU gave away. Members were sent literature with the TWU logo on it encouraging them to buy insurance.What insurance salesman wouldnt want a deal like that? It must be nice to have your dad provide you with a steady customer base and plenty of commisions!
About five years ago my father in law, who worked for Prudential Ins. for 30 years, said the Transamerica policy was a #### policy and to cash out which I did.

After 20 years with the twu I have come to realize that anything they try to sell you no matter how good it may seem is nothing more than a scam to rob you of more money. Any literature with the twu logo on the front goes straight into the garbage. If you do as I do you will save yourself a lot of aggravation and maybe some money. Now if I can only stop paying my dues. ;)
Personally, when it comes to things like life insurance, you might be better off shopping it yourself. I'm now paying less for my current policy (with three times the benefit) than I was going thru what AMR offered.