My Humble Opinion


Aug 19, 2002
First of all let me say that like most of you here, I to am not to pleased about what happened yesterday. Was going to post last night, but it would of been nothing more than venom that more than likely would of given me an extended stay in the cornfield lol. But first of all let me say I REFUSE TO LET THE AZZZ CLOWNS IN CCY DICTATE HOW I SHOULD TREAT THE PASSENGERS ON THE PHONES!!!! I will do my job to the best of my ability. I FOR ONE REFUSE TO TAKE IT OUT ON THE PASSENGERS. I for one have more faith in my fellow employees than the so called talent that resides in CCY and still and never will have a clue. They remind me of the scene in the movie Patch Adams when Robin Williams character looks at a man holding up 4 fingers and finally sees beyond the fingers. Describes our upper management to a tee. Cannot see beyond the problem. Some of you will post and say "it is the economy, it is oil prices ect ect ect". Sorry a bunch of talent would of forseen these changes which they have failed with the grade F-----. A320pilot posted an article that basically someone said that the union group is becoming insignificant. I beg to is MANAGEMENT that is becoming insignificant. Without a vision from the top, we are slated for failure, and still I see no vision. Some might say what about the LCC plan???? That is what it is a plan...not a vision. For the past two weeks I jotted down how much money I brought in to the company and you do the math...I averaged over $5000.00 a day. I will let you do the math on how much per hour that is. I have been told by numerous passengers "THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME AND TAKING THE TIME TO GET MY TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS DONE!!!" . That is something that I have never heard from any supervisor. That is what I strive for. There is no better feeling one gets when they are appreciated by the customer. These are my "Moments of Magic" that I choose to create. Something that our clueless upper management fails to understand. Yes it is true that my future with this company as the majority of you is in up in the air. So be it. Only I have control of my destiny not CCY. I have been blessed and still am to work with some of the BEST EMPLOYEES in this industry. From the pilots to the mailroom clerks and all in between YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!! And on the flipside I have been cursed to have running the show the some of the worst management I have ever had the misfortune of knowing. Funny how one has to take the good with the bad. To the passengers that continue to support us..THANK YOU!!!!! It is and always will be a pleasure to serve you and assist you with your travel arrangements and those little blips on the radar that tend to pop up now and then. The only thing that I can offer my fellow employees is MY RESPECT...AND YOU ALL HAVE THAT FROM ME. And for the mismanagement that reads these posts I would strongly recommend that you all get out your dictionarys and look the word up...that is something that you do not and more than likely will never have from me and others.
I too must say, the attitude in res was somber....almost like a group with a broken heart, I think we all work very hard...and some remain are angry about the paycut issue and the fact that everyone is not feeling the same amount of pain....sometimes makes it harder everyday to go to work. Although I too agree it's not the passengers fault. Most passengers sympathized and stated how sorry they were, and they hope to see US survive. Some even mentioned the management paycut isssue .... it's nice to know some passengers are aware of the situation, you would think our management team would be embarrassed at this point. The pain should be equal..damn shame it's not..
Res said:
.. it's nice to know some passengers are aware of the situation, you would think our management team would be embarrassed at this point. The pain should be equal..damn shame it's not..

Oh so true. I know alot of people in management. Some are genuinely disgusted at the paycut that was put in place yesterday. As far as res management though, I think the Pit team ought to wipe their smug little smirks off their faces. They are the most unempathetic group I have ever seen. They must be secretly rejoicing at our misery. Course their paychecks aren't changing and neither is their workload. Must be nice not to have to give up a thing.
After the paycuts were announced yesterday, we got not one word of encouragement or support or concern from our station manager. In fact, he took the day off starting at noon so he could get in a long week end. Only thing we heard from him was a memo to "Make sure the flights get out ON TIME!" Really puts the attitude of management toward their employees into perspective.
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In Res we are dealing with the "Blind leading the blind" syndrome. They will follow the "plan" to a tee. They will bite into every word like the gospel that comes from the inept clowns of CCY. They too have that desire to reach the top and have the enjoyment of becoming oblivious to the real world. God speed to those desires for them. Just remember one thing...what they sow they will reap. At least in INT the supervisors did keep a low profile. For my fellow RES agts do not be surprised to see the hammer fall down even harder when it comes to adherence and stats. This is what you get when the clowns in CCY believe that the employees are no more than liabilitys than assets. Corporate greed at its best!!!!!
The only problem with being hard on everyone and seeing them out of the door, as a result of increased stats etc., is that they(the management) will work themselves out of a job. No reps = no need for managers to manage them, duh.

Basic Management 101, Keep your workers happy and they will perform for you.
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reznc, Basis managment 101 Usairways style....get rid of all the high price employees no matter how productive they are bring in lower price employees equals more bonus dollars for CCY which in turn might lead to my promotion to the Crystal Palace for I can reap the rewards.

You got it, they will never learn, but that's OK, when the irates that wont go away and have to be dealt with by management the sup's can explain to them they don't know what they're talking about 'cos the senior agents had all the knowledge and history and their job is to manage stats not know the policies regarding fare rules.

I love your attitude! It is people like you why I have flown US since the late 70's. I will continue to fly "you guys" as well. Since it is the rank and file who make up the airline. And if the great service that I have had in the past month continues, I will give US even more of my "flexible" travel.

Unfortunatly, if what I have read on other threads, becames widespread, and I don't think it will. I will have no choice but to give my business to another carrier.

I truly beleive with your fellow employees US can become a leader in this changing industry. You may decide to leave because the pay and benefits will not be the same. The industry has changed for all, and I think US employees are on the leading edge of this change.

For me a big change was in the mid 80's in the domestic shipbuilding industry. I am now earning slightly more than I did in 1986, and I travel 10 times as much as I ever did. But I had a choice, change jobs (To one I love) or to work for a smaller shipyard for half my current salary. I think I made the right choice.

Best wishes to all, and what the future might bring you
WestCoastGuy said:
After the paycuts were announced yesterday, we got not one word of encouragement or support or concern from our station manager. In fact, he took the day off starting at noon so he could get in a long week end. Only thing we heard from him was a memo to "Make sure the flights get out ON TIME!" Really puts the attitude of management toward their employees into perspective.

Your mgr is taking a 1% pay cut. :D
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Singleflyer...thanx so much for your comments. I just hope everyone takes what is going on today on Usairways and turn it into to something positive whether they find new jobs or elect to stay on until management shows us the door. I am damn well going to make them miss me until I am gone. I am going to do my job to the best of my abiltiy. But on the other hand it will be a moral victory on my part, because these LEGENDS IN THEIR OWN MINDS that reside in CCY just do not and never will GET IT!!!! I
I have to say the opposite in INT, thought last night that the management kept a low profile...they were available to been seen but no smirks or smiles....maybe it depends on the floor your on..or the shift you work.