Passport Expiration..Whose responsibility is it?

Regarding Intl travel.

It is the passport holders, or employees responsibility, to know when it expires. Either look at it once in awhile or put it on your calendar for 90-120 days before expiration so that the employee sends away for a renewal.
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I should have clarified- talking about passengers, why are WE responsible for THIER stuff?
Again, what does this have to do with US Airways? But, I'll add my $0.02 anyway. It's my understanding that the passport is the property of the Federal Government for the use of its holder, both business and pleasure. Since an employee can use it for both, it becomes their own personal responsibility to track the expiration date.
Because of the fine that Dog Wonder addresses the airline is financially liable if someone arrives in a foreign country without the required documentation. However it is the person's responsibility to get all that done ahead of time and if their passport is set to expire they need to get it renewed 90-120 days before it expires.