Pilot jokes...


May 13, 2003
Got any good pilot jokes to share let er rip! A fixed wing friend told me this one, and though I disagree it made me laugh...

Why do helicopters fly?
They don''t. They''re just so ugly that the Earth repells them!

After his election Bush boards Air Force One for his maiden flight as President. Being so excited he decides to show off his aircraft knowledge and quick wit at the same time. He begins to jump up and down in the plane shouting "Boeing, Boeing, Boeing..." A clever pun to say the least!
The Captain, not seeing who is making the noise, shouts out, "BE SILENT!"
Bush stops for a moment...smiles, and proceeds to jump up and down shouting "Oeing, Oeing, Oeing!"

Lets hear your favorite pilot/aviation joke.
How do you know if there is a pilot at your party?
He''ll tell you.

What is the difference between God and a pilot?
God doesn''t think he''s a pilot.

What do pilots use for birth control?
Thier personality.
how do you know when your date with a pilot is half over?

"enough about me! Let''s talk about airplanes!"

How can you tell who the pilot is at the nude beach?

He''s the one with a huge watch, huge sunglasses, and tiny... um,... you know what...