Safety vs Greed at American Airlines

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Aug 20, 2002
Airline Safety Compromised by Executive Greed: The Disturbing Firsthand Story of an American Airlines Flight Attendant

A short clip about the book she wrote.

The United States airline industry carries over 612 million passengers annually. In the new book, "The Plane Truth From An American Airlines Flight Attendant" (published by iUniverse), Alicia Lutz-Rolow exposes the corrupt practices of airline executives putting millions of passengers at risk for extra revenue.

Rolow wrote "The Plane Truth" to warn the flying public about the current conditions of the airline industry and to encourage them to stand together and fight for their safety. She writes about the scrutiny she faces from American Airlines for refusing to work on three different planes out of fear for not only her own safety, but that of her fellow flight crew members and her passengers. Rolow reveals the conditions and treatment corporate management extends to their employees: the cutbacks, employee pay cuts, and the outsourcing used to save money while executives receive million-dollar bonuses and their planes deteriorate.

"Since the late 90's and early 2000's, the commercial airlines' corporate executives have been putting the lives on the line, of not only the flying public but the flight crew members who work for them as well, by 'outsourcing' the maintenance of our commercial airline aircrafts to 'third world countries' ... workers in these countries who are working for outsourcers on our aircraft maintenance don't have to have certification that proves complete competence and compliance with all FAA mandates regarding knowledge of commercial airline aircraft maintenance the way that our U.S. mechanics do! They are 'unqualified,' 'untrained' and 'unskilled' workers who are contracted to do the work for a third of the money, and they don't need to meet any FAA mandates or be licensed either, because as long as their supervisor has all of those qualifications, that is all that is required in these 'third world' countries' chop shops."

About the Author

Alicia Lutz Rolow is an American Airlines Flight Attendant veteran of over 32 years. The deteriorating condition of the commercial airline companies in the aviation industry has compelled her to share her story in order to prevent possible catastrophic disasters such as the one that occurred on September 11th. Rolow currently resides in Southern California with her best friend/husband Shanon Rolow, her two sons Brandon and Isaiah, and her granddaughter McKaylah Rae.

"The Plane Truth From An American Airlines Flight Attendant"

Available from:,, and
Isn't this the FA who started rambling during an awards ceremony some time back, and then made a fool out of herself on TV?

Sounds about as credible on the topic of maintenance as Scary Mary Schiavo.
The above two are if anything consistant. They always trip over themselves to stick up for master. I'm sure you two will get an ATTABOY! :lol:
I hope the book was ghost written by someone else, because on camera, she sounds an awful lot like Obama without a teleprompter, and looks like Michael Jackson in a dress.

I hope the book was ghost written by someone else, because on camera, she sounds an awful lot like Obama without a teleprompter, and looks like Michael Jackson in a dress.


... and who's usually the first to make the comment about trashing the message bearer when the message isn't approved of?

Anyone you know, Eric?
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