Teamsters Accept Governor's Offer to Help End Sikorsky Strike


Nov 15, 2005
Striking Sikorsky workers praised Gov. M. Jodi Rell for stepping in today to urge the company to return to the bargaining table and end its stalemate against the Teamsters.

Leaders of Teamsters Local 1150 immediately accepted the governor's offer of using her own table to help restart negotiations. About 3,600 Sikorsky workers walked out February 20 over the company's drive to dramatically increase health care costs for its lower-paid workers.

"We've said for weeks now that we are ready, willing and able to meet Sikorsky at the negotiating table and work out a fair contract that gets our people back to work and lets them maintain affordable health care benefits," said Rocco J. Calo, Local 1150 Secretary-Treasurer.

Gov. Rell's statement came a day after thousands of Teamsters gathered outside Sikorsky Aircraft for a rally led by General President Jim Hoffa in support of the 3,600 workers. Hoffa pledged the force of the 1.4 million- member Teamsters Union to help the striking Sikorsky workers prevail.

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