Tweaking Pit Market Times


Aug 19, 2002
I've noticed that the current PIT flights in many markets do not offer connecting flight opportunities, which I realize is what happens when you dehub a city. However, there are flights that operate A-PIT-A and B-PIT-B that could be sold as an A-PIT-B thru flight if the times were tweaked just a few minutes. I know that might not be a possibility right now, but I would hope that with the final transformation plan this would occur. It seems stupid to send a plane to PIT with half a load and send another plane (20 mins earlier) to a city from PIT with half a load when you could possibly sell some seats to thru passengers with just a little time tweak.
ie our 530am to PIT gets in at 747 missing the 745 flights and making limited connections. If the plane were run on to BOS or LGA at 830 you could sell through seats (since the PIT local market isnt that big in some cases) and if you're selling local seats, is a 745 vs 820-830 going to make that much of a difference to the local market in many cases? It just seems like (once again) we are losing out on possibly selling more seats to thru pax instead of flying half full planes because of scheduling.