Ual Management At Its Finest


Jul 9, 2004
With management like ual has who needs an airline. The reason their flights are full is because half of the fleet got repoed and is rotting in the desert. These were all the new 777's Boeings. If a banker was getting ready to loan ual 2 Billion Dollars he would look pretty stupid after seeing what the company did to the last lenders. Their property sits in the desert now. Ual Management has to go.


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Well, the decision to ground (get rid of?) some 777s and rather keep the 744s will be based on total cost of ownership -- my guess is the lenders were less willing to cut lease rates for 777s given they are still popular in the market, while UA probably got major concessions on the 744s that more than make up in lower ownership costs what extra they cost in fuel. Not necessarily a dumb move.

A big issue I think is that, yet again, employee representation on the board does not seem to be working. However justifiably POed the IAM are, for Canale to toss his toys out of the pram and boycott a board meeting is just idiotic -- he's completely abdicating the responsibility of being a member of the board. An ineffective board may not have been the single major cause of many of UAL's problems, but it is a common cause across all of them. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's getting any better.

Remember, in the examiners report on whether unions were misled on benefits issues, a theme that did come up was not sharing financial projections with the board for fear of leaks. It's really no way for sr mgt and a board to run any company, never mind an airline.
kcabpilot said:
Well hell, they're all the wrong color.
Don't you know we've got a new 'livery'?
Maybe they didn't want to mix the new livery with the Vanguard Airline jets in the dessert, so they chose to keep the old livery on the stored aircraft.