What Maintenance Does Awa Do In-house


Aug 10, 2005
My dad is a mechanic at US, they do in-house on some airbuses and all boeing 737,
my dad had told me that the AWA people liked the CLT hangar alot, so i wanted to know, what does AWA do in-houe and outside to other companies
thanks alot
btw, im new to this forum !
thanks !
US does all heavy mtc on the A320 Family inhouse and only 50% of the heavy mtc on the 737s. The 767, 757 and A330 are all outsourced.

HP outources all their heavy mtc to Timco and the airbus goes to a company in San Salvador.
700 you are slightly incorrect about AWA and the A320.

They use TACA for overflow. The bulk of their A320/A319's go to TIMCO in
MACON GA. MACON is a dedicated AmericaWest operation for TIMCO.

Similar to JetBlue. JetBlue uses ACTS as prime and TACA for overflow.

And yes AWA loved the pretty big hangar in CLT. The PIT hangar on the other hand thats another story. Expect to see the Airbus work transfered to CLT if it is kept in house, A 737 work farmed out and PIT shut down.
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doesnt TIMCO havs i think 767s and some others, my dad has been telling me that rumour is that AWA or US are gonna do S-checks, and that they will happen in CLT. and there could be a possible shutdown of PIT, what do you mean by 737 work farmed out ?
and also, is there anywayi can get pics of the AWA hangar in PHX, i saw the PIT hangar from outside, is old and ugly, i was born in PIT, since my dad worked at PIT for a while before transferring to CLT
so if any of yall know where do get the hangar pics, would be cool !

The last ram-rodding of situations allowed US to outsource all the Heavy Checks on the A330-300's , B767-200ER's , B757-200's and 50% of the Heavy Checks on the B737-300's and 400's.

Case in point...Acft 444 is in BFM (ST Mobile Aerospace) as we speak.

Gaining The Airbus S-Checks in PIT may prove to be a very very short term victory...but when you look at what was lost...it was No victory at all.
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so are the non-heavy checks going to be done by US ?, wat is acft 444 ?, where is this location at, is the AC a A330 ?
hope everything comes back in house for all the planes when AWA comes in, i really hope they do, if the S-checks happen, does this mean the A330s will come back ?
Don't hold your breath for any of the work to come back inhouse. AWA farms out all of its Heavy Check work including C checks.

The writing is on the wall as far as PIT is concerned. The 737's are going away, no question about it. The E170's are being sold off. The Widebody and 757 work is 100% farmed out.

If, and its a big if, if the new company decided to do the S checks on the Airbus the logical choice would be CLT. Close down PIT completely. All of your work then is located in one location. That is the reason Al Crellin was kept on board in the operations role.. He's already the most hated executive at US Airways, he has nothing to lose. So they keep him on, have him do all the dirty work then give him a big fat golden parachute to leave.. Easy.

444 is a 737-400 aircraft. Hope that answer your question.

Doug Parker and his team have no intention of bringing any work in-house. Doing that adds more employee's at a time when all they are interested in doing is getting rid of people. People are an expense and maintenance is a huge expense.

Now 700 is going to come on here and tell us about the victory of the Airbus win and scope and all that.. It is a very hollow victory. Don't put it past them to make changes or request changes going forward. And keep in mind to there is no guarantee that the IAM contract with US Airways will be the surviving contract. It is possible for the Union to get decertified if you read the notice sent out by the IAM. If that was the case then there is no scope clause at all and they are free to farm out at will.

If you are out on furlough plan on staying out on furlough. Franks promise of brining back 300 to 700 techanicians to do all this work is a pipe dream.
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why would the E170s be sold off ?
they are brand new aircraft, and i know the 737s arent going away, for now atleast,
probably in 2-3 years yes, and idk, but i only hope for the work to come back in house, and also the new US will be 2 airlines in the begining, so they arent going to merge the maintenance work already, so i hope that airbus work can be done in house, even tho most of the maintenance is being done inhouse on all the narrowbodies, except the 757
You can find the pictures your looking for at cactuswings.com.Click on the new photos link.
The heavy mtc of the 767, 757, A330 and 50% if the 737s will be going to ACTS, the A320 family and the remaining 50% of the 737s will still are done inhouse at US.
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does AC have any 757s ?
i know they have everything else
i heard that IAM really sucks, i know that US mechs were trying to get AMFA , if that were to happen, would that be good ?
A330US said:
does AC have any 757s ?
i know they have everything else
i heard that IAM really sucks, i know that US mechs were trying to get AMFA , if that were to happen, would that be good ?
No 75's but they do have 76's