When will the fighting machinists actually join the fight?

twu should of been foreward thinking after this, final pay-out, peterson mollified everyone with summer pay-out. holidays now coming, iam is happy with their holiday pay....drop some hints twu needs some holiday love as well and not just food.
I understand what you lost, if we had gone bankrupt we wouldn't have all these rules. We weren't losing any rules which is what AMFA preached about for years, then suddenly it became about economics that said American was getting $55 a hour a lie that the president of AMFA Brett perpetrated to get guys to vote no. Then we have the vote leak fiasco on Facebook, at the start of our voting process, that showed the way AMFA wanted to vote to go, so nothing was found wrong. You can blame your Association all you want, but if management doesn't want to move, there is nothing to update. All unions are the same, it's about dues money. AMFA just paints a good picture. The fact is if you kicked your Association out tomorrow, you would still end up in mediation and it would still take as long to produce a contract. What will be amazing is if you get the magic AMP , will you still be singing their praises if you are still under your bankrupt TWU contract 5 years from now. If you get them out which contract is used the TWU bankrupt contract or the better IAM contract? Face it, it will be tied up in the courts for years!
I have known Bret for many years and I have never known him to lie. He's always been a stand up guy. But hey some people even hated Abe Lincoln right?
I have known Bret for many years and I have never known him to lie. He's always been a stand up guy. But hey some people even hated Abe Lincoln right?
Bret never lied to anyone. Remember that guy is so butt hurt from the no vote.
I have talked to Bret as well as other AA'ers about the pay scale and yes it has been talked about at the table with an offer that would have put them in the mid 50's and even above for some in certain positions. It was not a lie. Some folks, like the person you are talking about, are not privy to certain information that is discussed at the table.
And our NC was in no way shape or form focussing so much on the AA offers that were still going back and forth and nothing in writing as an official offer, they did share the numbers that were offered in writing by AA to the mechanics and some of those numbers were greater than ours. Our NC was also using the FedEx and UPS numbers that were offered in writing (UPS) and what FedEx makes currently, and what Delta was getting in April and Oct. of this year.
The person accusing him of lying can pick his phone up, call Brett and ask him himself. Bret will take his call guaranteed. Send him an email, text him.
I assure you Brett did not lie to anyone. For someone to come on here and claim he lied to the membership and not verifying it first speaks volumes of his character and twisted mind games he likes to play. One of the main reasons I have him on ignore.
I will stand up for our ND anytime. Although I have not known him as long as you guys at AA, I too can easily assure you he is a stand up guy and WILL NOT lie to the membership in order to get a desired vote as he was just accused of. Pathetic.
I really hope you don't believe what he just told you OG. He is still over the top pissed off and butt hurt about the 75% no vote by 97% of the membership. He, just like the Company's lead nego. and the old NC thought, that the contract was going to pass.
When you give the membership full information and keep them well informed with all the information and the games the company nego team was playing is how you get the results so high as they were. We were united as a whole, whereas the co. thought we were just tired of waiting and divided and they were so far from reality it bit them in the butt and got the entire co nego cmte fired from the table.
Sorry for rambling, but wanted to set it straight with Brett. He's a fool coming to AA thread calling Brett a lier. Big mistake. And I would call for an apology from him...
I have known Bret for many years and I have never known him to lie. He's always been a stand up guy. But hey some people even hated Abe Lincoln right?
He put it in an AMFA update before we started voting that your guys offer from American Airlines was $55-an hour , so where is this offer, that are supposed to have? You can go on the AMFA page and read it.
Bret never lied to anyone. Remember that guy is so butt hurt from the no vote.
I have talked to Bret as well as other AA'ers about the pay scale and yes it has been talked about at the table with an offer that would have put them in the mid 50's and even above for some in certain positions. It was not a lie. Some folks, like the person you are talking about, are not privy to certain information that is discussed at the table.
And our NC was in no way shape or form focussing so much on the AA offers that were still going back and forth and nothing in writing as an official offer, they did share the numbers that were offered in writing by AA to the mechanics and some of those numbers were greater than ours. Our NC was also using the FedEx and UPS numbers that were offered in writing (UPS) and what FedEx makes currently, and what Delta was getting in April and Oct. of this year.
The person accusing him of lying can pick his phone up, call Brett and ask him himself. Bret will take his call guaranteed. Send him an email, text him.
I assure you Brett did not lie to anyone. For someone to come on here and claim he lied to the membership and not verifying it first speaks volumes of his character and twisted mind games he likes to play. One of the main reasons I have him on ignore.
I will stand up for our ND anytime. Although I have not known him as long as you guys at AA, I too can easily assure you he is a stand up guy and WILL NOT lie to the membership in order to get a desired vote as he was just accused of. Pathetic.
I really hope you don't believe what he just told you OG. He is still over the top pissed off and butt hurt about the 75% no vote by 97% of the membership. He, just like the Company's lead nego. and the old NC thought, that the contract was going to pass.
When you give the membership full information and keep them well informed with all the information and the games the company nego team was playing is how you get the results so high as they were. We were united as a whole, whereas the co. thought we were just tired of waiting and divided and they were so far from reality it bit them in the butt and got the entire co nego cmte fired from the table.
Sorry for rambling, but wanted to set it straight with Brett. He's a fool coming to AA thread calling Brett a lier. Big mistake. And I would call for an apology from him...
You can say what you want UPS had a T/A, Fed Ex and Delta Airlines are non union so those are guaranteed numbers. As far as American Airlines an offer with no signatures on it, without a ratified contract means nothing. I will not apologize when you put that out in writing as fact as a reason to get people to vote no , chasing what your competition is paid, because someone will always leep frog you in wages. So take me off ignore and answer the question.