Where's the press release?


Dec 12, 2006
Chicago, IL
Why is it the company will put out press releases about the most mundane things-but won't tout good news that really affects pax?
As an example, on the employee website, there was a small "blip" about our December performance. It states that our on-time was the best of any airline in our "competitive set". For the month of December, we were at over 80%-even beating Southwest! We also climbed up 4 places to finish 5th in mishandled bags. Complaints were .92 per 100,000 pax. Again, better than our competitors.
For 2006, DL paid out almost $600 per employee for meeting our performance goals.
Instead of letting our pax know about our improvements, we talk about new service to a town in North Carolina that I've never even heard of, on Delta Connection!
I don't get it.