Your opinions wanted


Oct 21, 2005
I recently emailed [email protected] in response to his request for F/A's opinions. He responded today. He will be meeting next week with Sherri regarding those opinions. I've given him this forum to further his education on our needs. Send him your comments and questions.

I'd like to know why the stall on the AWA F/A contract?

Form a panal of active flight attendants on both sides to be a part of the counsel that creates the new contract.

Allow both sides to pick up out-of-base available trips prior to a fence coming down.

Keep the snack basket.
Good post with good constructive ideas......Tempe needs to grab this bull by the horns and start making some aggressive moves or this merger/integration will never FLY. There has been very little information shared between the East and West (and several mid-management people have also expressed this with me) and I am sure the travelling public is really is in a state of flux. ROME WASN"T BUILT IN A DAY BUT LET ME SEE MORE THAN A "Heritage Logo".
Allow both sides to pick up out-of-base available trips prior to a fence coming down.

Trips should remain available to those in THAT base only. If you want to fly international trips, transfer to PHL or CLT and let those that want to go back to their base go back. I can see it now, "Sorry, I can't make it into PHX to pick up that trip as I can't get on a flight from the East coast".

Never going to happen!!!!