1400 pilots apply in two weeks

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I have. Several times, in fact.
I believe that it's entirely reasonable/probable that some of the initial applicants (via screening process or whatever method used) did not meet the requirements, and applied on a lark. Until you show me any kind of hard evidence to prove otherwise, that won't change, no matter how many times you ask.

There is not, nor has there been a question on wether (sp?) or not NWA accepted those people or offered them employment.

I'm still waiting to hear an example of how I "lack gumption and fail to follow through," BTW.
I will agree with you that a few of the initial applicants may have snuck thru the initial qualifications, just like the applicants at DL and UA, but to imply that a significant did not as Jenny did is just wrong. No matter what Northwest does or announces there is a hard core few that will say they they are lying or have ulterior motives. This would include announcing they now have 32 330's or 1400 applied for jobs. or the completion factor or on time for a month, etc. Northwest has enough legitimate things to criticize without making up new ones.
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