33 US Code 499....................Regulations for DRAWBRIDGES

Aug 20, 2002
To avoid any ambiguity, I felt it best to post the FEDERAL Statute regarding Drawbridges (specifically RR Drawbridges) over navigatable waters.   More specifically AMTRAK Drawbridges.
You see, It looks like the (getting) 'ol BEAR has a 99.9 % chance of being the successful bidder(Like in a UNION Job bidding system) for vacated positions.
Now I'll be FORCED to SIT DOWN for 8 hours in a comfortable chair to meticulously moniter a radio from the area dispatcher for instuctions to Close the bridge to allow encroaching trains to traverse over the River, then re-open it to marine craft. (PUSH a BUTTON to Close, PUSH a BUTTON to open)
In the interim, the operator can
1. Sun himself high above the river in another chair up on the walking ledge of the control house
2, Watch TV
3. READ publications (newspapers magazines etc.)
4. Talk on the phone to younger blonde girlfriend.
5. Bring girlfriend up to the bridgehouse(and LOCK the DOOR)  !!!!
6. Go Fishing
7. Watch interesting things on laptop.
8. Watch the scantily clad 'scenary' stretched out on the bow(s) of the bigger boats as they slowly pass by.
9. STAY at work for 8 HOURS of OVERTIME if not relieved. (FEDERAL LAW)
10. Call in SICK immediately AFTER earning 8 hours of mandatory Overtime.
You know ..'southwindBAG,......it's a TOUGH Job, but someone has to do it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Glenn Quagmire said:
musta' been a non-UNION operation.
Besides,......AMTRAKS is a 'swing operation' so no problems.
12 - to - 6 direction lets marine traffic thru,............... 9 - to - 3 direction is CLOSED, allowing the train to cross the river.  All with the PUSH of a BUTTON (Then back to reading the newspapers....NYT....NY Daily new....WAPO......LA Times.)  (Helll, I'm thinking of baiting a Lobster trap. Hey you never know) !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
musta' been a non-UNION operation.
Besides,......AMTRAKS is a 'swing operation' so no problems.
12 - to - 6 direction lets marine traffic thru,............... 9 - to - 3 direction is CLOSED, allowing the train to cross the river.  All with the PUSH of a BUTTON (Then back to reading the newspapers....NYT....NY Daily new....WAPO......LA Times.)  (Helll, I'm thinking of baiting a Lobster trap. Hey you never know) !
You're saying Amtrack goes both ways?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
To avoid any ambiguity, I felt it best to post the FEDERAL Statute regarding Drawbridges (specifically RR Drawbridges) over navigatable waters.   More specifically AMTRAK Drawbridges.
You see, It looks like the (getting) 'ol BEAR has a 99.9 % chance of being the successful bidder(Like in a UNION Job bidding system) for vacated positions.
Now I'll be FORCED to SIT DOWN for 8 hours in a comfortable chair to meticulously moniter a radio from the area dispatcher for instuctions to Close the bridge to allow encroaching trains to traverse over the River, then re-open it to marine craft. (PUSH a BUTTON to Close, PUSH a BUTTON to open)
In the interim, the operator can
1. Sun himself high above the river in another chair up on the walking ledge of the control house
2, Watch TV
3. READ publications (newspapers magazines etc.)
4. Talk on the phone to younger blonde girlfriend.
5. Bring girlfriend up to the bridgehouse(and LOCK the DOOR)  !!!!
6. Go Fishing
7. Watch interesting things on laptop.
8. Watch the scantily clad 'scenary' stretched out on the bow(s) of the bigger boats as they slowly pass by.
9. STAY at work for 8 HOURS of OVERTIME if not relieved. (FEDERAL LAW)
10. Call in SICK immediately AFTER earning 8 hours of mandatory Overtime.
You know ..'southwindBAG,......it's a TOUGH Job, but someone has to do it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  !!!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn't get too comfortable with that job bear! Hell, they can train a monkey to push a button! Sounds like you can be easily replaced!----- You know there are two types of people in this world bear. Givers, and takers! I believe we all know which one you are!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
To avoid any ambiguity, I felt it best to post the FEDERAL Statute regarding Drawbridges (specifically RR Drawbridges) over navigatable waters.   More specifically AMTRAK Drawbridges.
You see, It looks like the (getting) 'ol BEAR has a 99.9 % chance of being the successful bidder(Like in a UNION Job bidding system) for vacated positions.
Now I'll be FORCED to SIT DOWN for 8 hours in a comfortable chair to meticulously moniter a radio from the area dispatcher for instuctions to Close the bridge to allow encroaching trains to traverse over the River, then re-open it to marine craft. (PUSH a BUTTON to Close, PUSH a BUTTON to open)
In the interim, the operator can
1. Sun himself high above the river in another chair up on the walking ledge of the control house
2, Watch TV
3. READ publications (newspapers magazines etc.)
4. Talk on the phone to younger blonde girlfriend.
5. Bring girlfriend up to the bridgehouse(and LOCK the DOOR)  !!!!
6. Go Fishing
7. Watch interesting things on laptop.
8. Watch the scantily clad 'scenary' stretched out on the bow(s) of the bigger boats as they slowly pass by.
9. STAY at work for 8 HOURS of OVERTIME if not relieved. (FEDERAL LAW)
10. Call in SICK immediately AFTER earning 8 hours of mandatory Overtime.
You know ..'southwindBAG,......it's a TOUGH Job, but someone has to do it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  !!!!!!!!!!!!
Force Majeure clause and an executive order to employ poor illegal immigrants who will work for a third of what you make.
musta' been a non-UNION operation.
Besides,......AMTRAKS is a 'swing operation' so no problems.
12 - to - 6 direction lets marine traffic thru,............... 9 - to - 3 direction is CLOSED, allowing the train to cross the river.  All with the PUSH of a BUTTON (Then back to reading the newspapers....NYT....NY Daily new....WAPO......LA Times.)  (Helll, I'm thinking of baiting a Lobster trap. Hey you never know) !
I'm pretty sure you have your "switch" wired backwards! The title of this tread quotes 33 US 499 as it applies to a Bascule bridge but now you state you're applying for a job as a Swing bridge operator. Which is it?
Knotbuyinit said:
I'm pretty sure you have your "switch" wired backwards! The title of this tread quotes 33 US 499 as it applies to a Bascule bridge but now you state you're applying for a job as a Swing bridge operator. Which is it?
maybe he means swings as in both ways?
musta' been a non-UNION operation.
Besides,......AMTRAKS is a 'swing operation' so no problems.
12 - to - 6 direction lets marine traffic thru,............... 9 - to - 3 direction is CLOSED, allowing the train to cross the river.  All with the PUSH of a BUTTON (Then back to reading the newspapers....NYT....NY Daily new....WAPO......LA Times.)  (Helll, I'm thinking of baiting a Lobster trap. Hey you never know) !
Actually this might be a union thingy because I'm sure the F#$% up still has a job!