For all you envious ( jealous ) posters:
Reality check...been said a thousand times in a thousand differnt ways. No employee gives a rats $$s what you feel about their pay structure.
2% of worlds population can boast of having a car and any amount of $ in a bank.
None of us are exempt from the 98% who feel all Americans are whiners.
Get over the pilots pay ( Piney ) , they do not care what you think, nor is it relavent. Perhaps they have a plan B and this is why they will walk over a retroactive massive paycut.
How about turning the attention to Mgt who is taking 8% of new company when 1-2% is the norm. How many managers are we talking about? Is it 5 or 50 or 200? Bottom line, a very few will walk away in a very short time with Multiple Millions courtesy of the 7 year paycuts and lessor negotiations.
Again, be content with what you have negotiated or move on.
My login name is only a reminder to me that Abraham is the father of all believers. It keeps my post civil using that name for I am a smuck like the rest of us.