AA sending STL-LGW back to Daily in the spring...

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Sep 7, 2002
I have heard rumors that AA is going to bump STL-LGW back to daily sometime in April becuase the winter loads are traditionally down...any thoughts on this?
On 9/7/2002 4:08:27 PM AA763 wrote:

I have heard rumors that AA is going to bump STL-LGW back to daily sometime in April becuase the winter loads are traditionally down...any thoughts on this?


I read that when I first learned of the cutback scheduled for this winter.

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Yes during the summer months they operate OGG, HNL, and LGW. OGG, and HNL are routinely the best performers of almost any route in STL. the only problem is is that it is low yield. I have heard from my neighbor down the road, who works for AA Summer loads on LGW-STL are traditionally in the high 80% load factor range.[imsrc='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/7.gif']
If STL-LGW goes to 777. AA will have to have the ISL base already AA trained. They can not add any new Aircraft types to the LLC side.

Whats the mix of pas sengers on this flight. Its mainy familys or vactioners? Is there a lot of business types that could support a 777 with 3 cl***, vs the 767 two cl***?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/8/2002 12:31:07 PM FA Mikey wrote:
[P]If STL-LGW goes to 777. AA will have to have the ISL base already AA trained. They can not add any new Aircraft types to the LLC side.[BR][BR]----------------[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Thanks to John Ward and the APFA, no flights to LGW, HNL and OGG from STL will be staffed by St. Louis based flight attendants. That flying is going over the fence beginning October 1, 2002. There are no current plans to train any TWA LLC flight attendants to fly international routes or open an international AA base in St. Louis.[/P]
Hows that selective memory working for you? I blame mine on the heat. Yours must be the smog.

APFA has this to say on the issue of protecting all its members

SENT VIA FACSIMILE August 30, 2002

August 30, 2002

Ms. Lorraine Mase-Hecker, Director
Employee Policy and Relations
American Airlines
P.O. Box 619616, MD 5235
Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, Texas 75261-9616

Dear Lorraine:

I am writing to once again urge the Company to proffer AA training to as many ISL flight attendants as possible. This is especially important at this time in light of the Company’s announced intention to reduce TWA-LLC flying.

It has been brought to my attention that certain Company managerial representatives have suggested (although not to me) that training on AA equipment of TWA-LLC flight attendants will “save jobs.â€￾ While it is far from clear that such training will “save jobs,â€￾ the Company’s suggestion of such a consequence provides further reason to support my outstanding request that the Company proffer AA training to ISL flight attendants as promptly as possible.

I am available to meet with you next week to further pursue this request and to continue APFA’s efforts to reduce to the maximum extent possible, and ideally to eliminate entirely, the furlough of American and TWA-LLC flight attendants. Please contact me so that we can arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.


John Ward
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/8/2002 3:44:02 PM FA Mikey wrote:
[P]Hows that selective memory working for you? I blame mine on the heat. Yours must be the smog.[BR][BR]APFA has this to say on the issue of protecting all its members[BR][BR][BR]----------------[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P align=left][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]That letter was written [STRONG][SPAN style=FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]AFTER [/SPAN][/STRONG]John Ward and the APFA negotiating committee effectively blocked the company's plans to train 220 TWA LLC flight attendants to staff the new international AA base at [/SPAN][?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags /][st1:City][st1:place][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]St. Louis[/SPAN][/st1:place][/st1:City][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]. It is a case of too little too late, primarily designed to defend John Ward against viable charges of a breach of duty to fairly represent the [/SPAN][st1:City][st1:place][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]St. Louis[/SPAN][/st1:place][/st1:City][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma] based flight attendants.[?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice /][o:p][/o:p][/SPAN][/P]
[P][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]By the way, there was a round of non productive talks last Thursday. Not surprisingly, STL base chairs and vice chairs were excluded from those meetings.[o:p][/o:p][/SPAN][/P]
[P][SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma]The plot keeps thickening.[o:p][/o:p][/SPAN][/P]
[P cl***=MsoNormal][o:p] [/o:p][/P]
A base chair is part of the governing board of the union. They can not be UNWILLINGLY kept out of a meeting.
[P]Check with members of the APFA BOD and EC. You will find that all St. Louis representatives, STL and ISL base chairs and vice chairs, have been excluded from all current and future meetings with the company regarding the integration training for the St. Louis based international flight attendants.[/P]
[P]Yes, it definitely does sound like a violation of both federal law and the constitution and by laws of the APFA.[/P]
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MiAAmi, it is mostly connecting p***engers from say like TUL, MCI, OKC, OMA, SGF, BMI, IND, SDF, BNA. Places that have vacationers that have no international flight to London so they route them through St. Louis because St. Louis is a low yield hub and vacationers are low yield travelers
On 9/8/2002 5:43:04 PM TWAnr wrote:


Check with members of the APFA BOD and EC. You will find that all St. Louis representatives, STL and ISL base chairs and vice chairs, have been excluded from all current and future meetings with the company regarding the integration training for the St. Louis based international flight attendants.[/P]

Yes, it definitely does sound like a violation of both federal law and the constitution and by laws of the APFA.[/P]
I doubt thats true. If it was. Could it would have something to do with Sherry Coopers checkered past? Her ties to IAM and the destruction of IFFA, while she was president.
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