After the pilot''s pension...then what?

A320 Driver

Aug 24, 2002
BRAVO BRAVO Mike...Put that monkey on the right back for a change!

A320 Driver
August 2002- We must have a reduction in wages and benefits if we are going to qualify for the ATSB''s 900 million dollar loan guarantee. November 2002- We must have work rule changes if we are to qualify for the ATSB''s 900 million dollar loan guarantee. January 2003- We will have to terminate the pilot''s pension plan if we are to qualify for the ATSB''s 900 million dollar loan guarantee. After that is done what will be the next excuse to extort more from the employees to qualify for the loan guarantees?Jesus,when was conditional approval given for the guarantees? JUNE? Here''s one....Dave,you are going to have to start doing your job, ie. Generating some revenue,if we are going to qualify for the ATSB''s 900 million dollar loan guarantees.

Well said, brother.

Taking your thought a bit further, I'd like to ask those currently baiting the pilots to cease and desist. What makes you think Dave doesn't have your pension in the crosshairs?

I know it's fun to kick Chip in the a$$, and he's surely brought it on himself. Feeding his words back to him, as repeet did last week, is fair turnabout.

But most of the pilots are ok guys, and in any event, do not deserve to be screwed out of their pension.
Do I detect a note of UNITY growing here? I wonder how long it will take the "labor consultants" to jump in and try to divide things.

Dave can ask for whatever he wants. And he can theaten whatever he wants. IF the pension problem is solved, the days of the givebacks are over. The war giveback has already been negotiated. If this guy cannot run this airline with the tools we have given him then C7 here we come.

If the pension problem is NOT solved, then C7 will be here that much sooner. The employees are done. The ball is in Dave's court. Either run it or shut it down. We, all of us, are done giving. Now put up Dave. Do YOUR job. We are doing ours.

My prediction: Dave comes back and says, "Sorry guys, but that 5% cut just ain't gonna cut it. Needs to be at least 10% or chapter 7 here we come."


p.s. Has anyone else noticed that there's no wording about the end of the 5% when the war actually ends? All I see is, up to (which really means every day of) 18 months. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.
The airports are empty...We'll soon be all working for $0.00. Keep it up Dave, and the Crystal Palace Gang.

If you believe "it's fun to kick Chip in the a$$", would you care to identify yourself and show your courage? Instead of insults, why don't you identify yourself?

Pinger, there is signficantly more revenue out there than is accruing to US, simply because of its assinine fares. In the old days, people had no alternative. As WN and B6 continually encroach in US territory, there are more and more opportunities to obtain reasonable fares. WN has klled US in the northeast (and Florida) in the last 5+ years.

I had a discount fare booked for this weekend, a 900 or so mile round trip. I had to change my itinerary by 1 day, and my fare went up $1,000. Did I pay the additional fare? - yes. When B6 or FL enter that market will I pay it? - no

Can US go to hell? YES
Did any of you ever take Economics or a business class? There is no revenue to "GET". The industry is imploding in on itself and you folks still can see beyond your next car payment! Do any of you have a better employment opportunity? Is there some great demand for airline employees that I have missed in my last 30 years in this business? Get real,if not US Airways what Home Depot or Best Buy.
I'm sure Delta, American or Northwest would love to have us all...RIGHT!
On 1/28/2003 9:21:25 PM chipmunn wrote:


If you believe "it's fun to kick Chip in the a$$", would you care to identify yourself and show your courage? Instead of insults, why don't you identify yourself?

His name is John Doe..or maybe it's Jane. From what I have seen over the years, internet message boards are 99.9 percent anonymous, so what does it matter? Opinions are exclusive and irrelevant to the pen name behind them. Who can prove otherwise?
On 1/28/2003 10:11:19 PM pinger wrote:

Did any of you ever take Economics or a business class? There is no revenue to "GET". The industry is imploding in on itself and you folks still can see beyond your next car payment! Do any of you have a better employment opportunity? Is there some great demand for airline employees that I have missed in my last 30 years in this business? Get real,if not US Airways what Home Depot or Best Buy.

I'm sure Delta, American or Northwest would love to have us all...RIGHT!
Why is it that everyone thinks airline employees are not employable? I heard a carpenter on a radio show yesterday say he made $100,000 last year. As has been stated on these boards before, "there is life outside the airlines!" I guarantee the mechanics can make around $100,000 working on something. The pilots can start businesses or fly corporate. The agents, flight attendants and customer service reps, can find jobs in the service sector, or even better, start their own businesses. I have had it with people implying airline employees can not do anything else, so you better give, give, give or else! JMHO
On 1/28/2003 9:21:25 PM chipmunn wrote:


If you believe "it's fun to kick Chip in the a$$", would you care to identify yourself and show your courage? Instead of insults, why don't you identify yourself?



Please cease and desist with the cyber chest pounding and nose snorting "identify yourself" nonsense. This, as well as all other bulletin boards on the internet, have traditionally been useful to exchange thoughts and ideas through the use of a chosen moniker. Just because you've decided to use your nick and surnames, you cannot chastise others that have chosen not to do so. Well informed internet users are advised never to divulge their given name, location, or other personal information. It has also been stressed that we teach our children the same rules. There are dangerous, evil people in cyberland, Chip. There is an overwhelming concern regarding identity theft now. So, I highly doubt that anyone is going to be foolish enough to rush right up to their keyboards and agree to bare all their personal data. It has absolutely nothing to do with courage, rather, its a matter of common sense.