(CNN)"Now if you could please step on the scale, we need to check your weight."
A common request at your doctor's office, sure.
But at the airport?
It's about to become standard procedure for anyone flying with Uzbekistan Airways.
In a recent statement, the country's flag carrier announced it will weigh passengers and their carry-on luggage prior to flights to determine how much weight they'll be adding to the plane.
In 2012, Samoa Air made global headlines by introducing a pay-as-you-weigh fare structure, which is still in place today.
"What makes airplanes work is weight. We are not selling seats, we are selling weight."
The airline's motto?
"A kilo is a kilo is a kilo!"
A common request at your doctor's office, sure.
But at the airport?
It's about to become standard procedure for anyone flying with Uzbekistan Airways.
In a recent statement, the country's flag carrier announced it will weigh passengers and their carry-on luggage prior to flights to determine how much weight they'll be adding to the plane.
In 2012, Samoa Air made global headlines by introducing a pay-as-you-weigh fare structure, which is still in place today.
"What makes airplanes work is weight. We are not selling seats, we are selling weight."
The airline's motto?
"A kilo is a kilo is a kilo!"