Alpa Mec Code A Phone


May 18, 2003
ALPA MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE - September 5, 2004

This is Jack Stephan with a US Airways MEC update for Sunday, September 5th, with two new items.

Item 1. The MEC remains in recess to the call of the MEC Chairman. Our Negotiating Committee continues to meet internally today discussing what options and proposal modifications are available to them at this point.

Please continue to monitor the code a phone and pilots only web site for any late breaking events, proposals or changes to the MEC meeting schedule.

Item 2. As a reminder, there is a posting on the pilots only Jets for Jobs Information Page that provides a class schedule for MidAtlantic for October, November and December 2004. Please note that all bids must be received by midnight, September 6, 2004. For further information, please refer to the J4J webpage.

Please remember we have 1,879 pilots on furlough.

Thank you for listening.



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