American Airlines December Traffic Rose 14%

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
Dow Jones Business News
American Airlines December Traffic Rose 14%
Thursday January 2, 10:22 pm ET
FORT WORTH, Texas (Dow Jones)--AMR Corp.''s American Airlines said it flew 10.4 billion systemwide revenue passenger miles in December, a 14% increase over last year, but a 5.7% decline from 2000.
A revenue passenger mile is one paying passenger flown one mile.
Load factor, or percentage of seats filled, was 73.3% for the month, up 6.1 points from a year ago and 4.4 points higher than 2000.
The only other major U.S. airline to report December figures so far is Continental Airlines Inc. Which said its mainline jet traffic in December rose 7% from 2001, but fell 4.4% from 2000.
For the full 2002, American flew 121.7 billion revenue passenger miles, down 4.2% from 127 billion a year earlier.
Load factor for the year was 70.7%, up from 68.8% in the previous year.
American''s on-time performance in December was 81.4%, compared with 80.2% in December 2001. The airline''s completion factor - the number of flights flown expressed as a percentage of the number of flights scheduled - was 98.3%, up from 95.7% in the same month last year.
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add to that AE numbers.......

American Eagle Airlines Reports December Traffic
Friday January 3, 12:20 pm ET

FORT WORTH, Texas, Jan. 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- American Eagle Airlines reported systemwide traffic for December increased 27.3 percent from December 2001, on a capacity increase of 16.7 percent. This is an increase in traffic of 32.1 percent on a capacity increase of 19.9 percent when compared to December 2000.
System load factor was 63 percent, up 5.2 points from December 2001, and up 5.8 points over December 2000.

American Eagle boarded 1.2 million passengers in December, up 16.6 percent from December 2001 and up 10 percent over December 2000.

Since comparisons of 2002 versus 2001 do not provide a good benchmark in the airline industry, the attached charts also include a comparison of December 2002 with December 2000. In addition, year-to-date numbers reflect the transfer of Eagle's Miami-based flying to the Executive Airlines operation, effective Oct. 1, 2002.
Gee that's exactly what my back told me. All this increase in traffic and DFW lays off another 197 agents and 218 fsc. I know for a fact that some xfer bags are sitting on the ground for 20 to 25 min bec we don't hve the people to move them. Check out how many missed bags AA has per 100 psgr.