American- the HEARTLESS Airline


Dec 11, 2002
Those agents working 4348 xna-ord on friday dec 2nd NEED
sensitivity training. my wife arrived at ticket counter 1 hour prior to departure. 2 agents were dealing with a DFW cancellation on an RJ. line did not move for 30 minutes. now its 25 minutes prior to departure but xna is a small airport and she figured she could still get thru security. she politely went to front of line to explain her dire situation. agents told her to go back in line. (next flight isn't for 4.5 hours approx ) she pleaded again to no avail.
she missed my 91 yr.old fathers wake. those agents WILL NEVER be forgiven nor AMR. shame on ALL of you.. this is NOT the last of this episode.......... THE HUSBAND.

:down: :down: :down:
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
I am sorry for the heartache. As these agents are assigned to flights, report them. They are not representative of all AA employees.
At the same time I have to ask why she did not give herself a backup flight as stuff can happen. Everyone knows this.
So much of our non-rev experience depends on the agents. I have ones I wanted to hug and ones I wanted to crush.
Those agents working 4348 xna-ord on friday dec 2nd NEED
sensitivity training. my wife arrived at ticket counter 1 hour prior to departure. 2 agents were dealing with a DFW cancellation on an RJ. line did not move for 30 minutes. now its 25 minutes prior to departure but xna is a small airport and she figured she could still get thru security. she politely went to front of line to explain her dire situation. agents told her to go back in line. (next flight isn't for 4.5 hours approx ) she pleaded again to no avail.
she missed my 91 yr.old fathers wake. those agents WILL NEVER be forgiven nor AMR. shame on ALL of you.. this is NOT the last of this episode.......... THE HUSBAND.

:down: :down: :down:
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Should have bought a ticket
If this event was that important to attend, I agree with IAMAGOLFER that she should have bought a ticket. How many people on the DFW bound RJ missed an important event because of the cancellation? Don't mean to sound heartless, but many of these outstations aren't even staffed by AMR employees. They got outsourced all in the name of lowering costs. These outsourced agents could care less about non-rev's or their problems. You can complain all you want, but I doubt if it will do any good.
On southwest of course

XNA, like 80% of the airports in the US, is too small for SWA to serve. Which is why your wife was flying on Eagle.

Sorry she didn't make it to the wake, but it also sounds like she was cutting it a bit close schedule-wise. I know there were probably extenuating circumstances (i.e. couldn't leave work?), but one thing non-revving has taught me is to never take the last flight that gets you where you need to be by the time you need to be there.

I've seen too many people miss weddings, funerals, cruises, etc. because they assumed that nothing would go wrong...
Before everyone gets their shorts in a wad trying to defend any of the parties involved in this situation I'd like to know a little more info. Specifically, I don't see any reference in the original message indicating that this man's wife was nonreving.

If this was a paying passenger then AA deserves every piece of bad press it gets. If it was a nonrev situation, that's obviously an entirely different case.
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Should have bought a ticket

are you a soothsayer? can you predict death? you must be an uncaring AA employee. 800 or so dollars on such short notice? GFY.

"I've seen too many people miss weddings, funerals, cruises, etc. because they assumed that nothing would go wrong..."
she had a ticket, just needed a boarding pass and check luggage. would have taken 5 minutes for a monkey to key it in and print it out.
are you a soothsayer? can you predict death? you must be an uncaring AA employee. 800 or so dollars on such short notice? GFY.

"I've seen too many people miss weddings, funerals, cruises, etc. because they assumed that nothing would go wrong..."
she had a ticket, just needed a boarding pass and check luggage. would have taken 5 minutes for a monkey to key it in and print it out.


Well skyflyr69,
I suppose you'll tell me also, to "GFY" !!

So be it !!

However, if a passenger had a revenue ticket, we would not be having this conversation !!

Unfair ??, perhaps, BUT TRUE.


What about the Self Service machines? If she had a ticket, she could have printed a BOARDING PASS and also CHECKED her own luggage. I might be wrong, but she can also use the self service machine as long as she was listed as a non-rev. That would have given her a priority verification card to pass thru security and also allowed her to check luggage. Then received a boarding pass, if there were seats, at the gate. By the way, are those the same monkeys some people on here say can fly planes?
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What about the Self Service machines? If she had a ticket, she could have printed a BOARDING PASS and also CHECKED her own luggage. I might be wrong, but she can also use the self service machine as long as she was listed as a non-rev. That would have given her a priority verification card to pass thru security and also allowed her to check luggage. Then received a boarding pass, if there were seats, at the gate. By the way, are those the same monkeys some people on here say can fly planes?

kiosk lines full. Sounds like the same broken record from uncaring make any excuse employees.

:down: :angry: Bush has now allowed foreign control of airlines. perhaps your time is coming. :up:
kiosk lines full. Sounds like the same broken record from uncaring make any excuse employees.

:down: :angry: Bush has now allowed foreign control of airlines. perhaps your time is coming. :up:



This is NOT a good time for you or your family, and It's certainly understandable.
(does THAT sound to you like an uncaring statement) ???

FLY, said it best. "WE're sorry for your loss" !!

As far as quoting that "USELESS smirking CHIMP...DUMBYA", It's obvious that you're not thinking clearly right now.
(But again, at this moment in time, It's Understandable)
