AMFA Assisting With The 'CARES' Act


Oct 23, 2010
I personally would like to thank my union, AMFA, and all other unions who were pro active and participating with the input of suggestions and answering all of the Senate and Houses questions to get to a finalized CARES Act Bill. It is great to see our union go to bat for ALL employees within the airlines. Thank you AMFA and our AMFA's Legislative Affairs Team for stepping up and getting involved, much appreciated...

AMFA Provides Input to Congress Regarding Potential Airline Industry Bailout Package
March 19, 2020 -- The swiftly developing COVID-19 pandemic has caused a rapid increase in airline passenger cancellations, while also producing a severe decline in future bookings. To date, most airlines have responded with capacity cuts and flight cancellations. The airlines have both collectively and individually expressed immense concern about the industry’s economic health to the US government, and requested a substantial financial assistance package to help navigate through this difficult time. The White House has indicated support, with the President vowing to “back the airlines 100 percent,” and the task of negotiating a package is now with the Legislative Branch.

Press Release: Aircraft Mechanics Across the United States Applaud the Passage of the CARES Act
March 27, 2020 -- Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) National Director Bret Oestreich, released the following statement: On behalf of the over 4,000 aircraft mechanics representing Alaska Airlines, Horizon Air, and Southwest Airlines, AMFA applauds the U.S. Congress passage of bipartisan legislation to provide financial stability to the hard-working men and women on the front lines providing safety and security to the American flying public during this unparalleled time of adversity. In addition to the unprecedented health crisis we are facing, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has brought with it devastating economic consequences. And now, the airline workers are at the front line of one the most economically impacted industries.

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Is WN taking the government up on it's offer or not?

I haven't heard positively as of yet.
We had a meeting last week that said everyone is good for 6 months, if still going on then there will be changes made. Not sure if this is with their own cash and money or if it includes the CARES Act money as well. When I find out for sure I will post for ya.
Stay safe and healthy...

Edit: We think they are taking it. But also hearing may try a go at it on their own so they could crawl out of it quicker if we had a decent recovery starting in, say, 3-6 months.

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