An Early XMAS present for Democrats ! THANX GOP !

Aug 20, 2002
You know, Many of us Dems poked fun at Boehner, but in the end, ol' John may have done us a Monster favor depending if the TEA POTTY Right Wing NUTS get thier way, choosing the next GOP speaker of the house, and it's a very good bet that they will.  Those MORONS are actually BEGGING for a GOVT. SHUTDOWN in Dec/15 (Think Holiday season everyone).
Since NEWT (x3) Proved that if Repugs ARE the blame for a shutdown, they will pay a Horrible price at the first (voting) opportunity.   Hmmm, 'voting opportunity', like in (say) the GENERAL ELECTION in Nov/16  ??
I hope and pray, that those IMBECILES succeed in seating a 'Right Wing off-the-charts NUT JOB as speaker, further solidifying the final destruction of the party of LINCOLN.
I stated loooong ago when the Tea POTTY first burst onto  the scene, that THEY would be the ARMAGEDDON of this party so out-of-touch with 50.1 % of voting Americans !
" GO - POTTY - GO "  ...................." GO - POTTY - GO "    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The GOP.
The Party that (ALWAYS) keeps on GIVING !
What you and others are having difficulties fathoming is Boehner and his lackies do not represent the core of the Republican Party. The Republican base leans heavy to the right. That's one reason nobody comes out to vote when they prop up the Maverick or Bush lll.
Your infatuation with the Tea Party also shows you have no understanding of that movement. TP is a group consisting of Republican, Democrat and Independent voters fed up with the 'establishment ruling class' comprising members of both parties.
People suckling as much as they can, off the government's teet will never understand. Will you Barry-O?
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southwind said:
People suckling as much as they can, off the government's teet will never understand. Will you Barry-O?
What I DO  Understand is that the Party that appeals to 50.1 % of the voters who show up on Election Day, get to SIT at the Desk @ '1600.
With the group of CLOWNS in the CLOWN CAR that you MORONS have, staying  @ '1600 will not be a very hard thing for the  GOOD GUYS to do, in November.
You've got 2 and only two chances of political success in '16.
#1........IS...'IF' Trump gets the nomination
#2........IS  "IF"  Trump acts/governs like a Real REPLUG.
Short of that, If you even Toy with the Idea that the likes of  Hucksterberry/Foirina/Paul/Cristy/Carson/Graham/Rubio/Pataki/Santorum/ have a chance of becoming POTUS, I suggest you seek emergency psychiatric HELP immediately   !!
Trump/Bush or Kasich = an outside shot. Speaking of Jeb, HE was informed by the B I G  $$$$ folks, that he better make his 'dance routine' much  much  better, OR  NO More sheckles  !!
See, Even if Romney ran this time, irregardless of his '47%' BLUNDER, he's probably be a 2-1 shot, this go around, BUT such is not the case.
At least YOU had the BAWLS to say, who you thought would win.
But the rest of the 'cooler conservatives are being EXTREMELY...Tight Lipped about thier predictions.
I mean, think about it.  When was the LAST  TIME..............eolesen  didn't have an opinion   ?????????????????

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