"animal House"



My “Commercial Aviation†posts have been redirected to the “General Aviation†forum by the Moderator(s).

>>>>General Aviation: OPEN PUBLIC FORUM CESSNA - PIPER - BEECHCRAFT - EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT - HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT - CIRRUS - LANCAIR - FLIGHT TRAINING - JOBS - FBOs - MAINTENANCE - AEROBATICS - Discussions about buying or selling aircraft, recreational flying, sport aviation, airshows, Fly Ins, or just about any General Aviation topic. Share your enthusiasm, experiences, and discussions about General Aviation here!<<<

This “general aviation†forum is not quite, topically, in the same genre of posts which I have read on the “commercial aviation†forum which hosts statements or discussions which are even less directly applicable to Commercial Aviation, as the posts which I have made. I, myself, have made less relevant posts in the past which have remained nailed to this forum.

Ahhhh.... I see the problem... It’s my use of the word “Genesisâ€. The moderator believes that I’m about to launch into some kind of religious thing. There are other definitions or uses of the word “Genesis†which don’t have biblical connotations... But I have discontinued the use of the word anyway if it helps...

No help... The “Commercial†topics are still moved to a forum dealing with experimental aircraft and aerobatics.

Perhaps someone could help me figure out the proper decorum on this forum. I believe I have offended the moderator. Perhaps an apology is in order for my offense.

I do apologize, Mr Moderator... For the egregious offense I have made, as well as the ones I will certainly make, in ignorance, in the future.

It’s a bit humorous... It’s kind of like a scene from “Animal House†during pledge week, where the hapless freshmen, Pinto and Flounder, try to associate with upper-classmen at a frat house party. Each time Tim Matheson catches sight of them trying to chill with the group, he chats it up pleasantly as he leads them back to a side room, away from the party, to sit on a moldering couch, with other cast-outs, to stare at a wall of peeling wallpaper.

Thanks, at least, for providing a hyperlink of the Commercial Aviation topic, as it is moved to the “recreational flying, airshows and fly-ins†discussion group. If I had my druthers, however, I’d prefer to post to the Commercial Aviation discussion groups and save the “CESSNA - PIPER - BEECHCRAFT - EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT - HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT†stuff for when I when I retire, get laid off, or win the Lottery.

I can't understand for the life of me why those posts were transfered.

I still don't know where they went and can't find them.

I thought the topic was very appropriate for U board.

I just have to scratch my head... :unsure:

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