- Nov 27, 2002
- 110
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[FONT face=Verdana size=3]What do you think Chip? 2000 plus laid off this week, TPA closed, MCO Res closing, the company looking for a unanimous response from the unions on additional givebacks;moral at its lowest Ive ever still think this thing can be turned around?[BR]I think the unanimous response from the unions will be the paper version of the single finger salute.Nobody I work with will,even the staunchest yes voter from the last round has shifted to a solid NO.[BR]Youre around the system,how are the attitudes youre encountering.what do people you run into think? will they give it up again?[BR]I don''t.Ill bet the other airlines,as broke as they are find the money for the pieces of us they want.[BR]that is our ultimate fate,our once proud airline parceled out our people scattered to the wind and the corporate leadership exits with golden parachutes.[BR][BR]meet the new boss, younger than the old boss and apparently just as much of a heel as the old one too[/FONT]