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August Bid Sheets


Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Well, another example of the company's contempt for the flight attendants. Bidding for August opens in a little over 12 hours and bid sheets are not available--hardcopy or on-line. The bid sheets are supposed to be available on-line 48 hours prior to bid opening and hardcopy at least 24 hours prior to bid opening.

The MOD desk got a b*llsh*t answer from Crew Planning that "because the month of July didn't start until 02JUL, that means that bids would be available one day later than usual and bidding would be extended for 1 day." Well, peachy keen. Contractual March didn't start until 02MAR, but April's bid sheets weren't late. And, on-line bid sheets are already 2 days late; so the bids are already later than the "one day later" story they made up for this month.

The fact that 18,000 f/as are inconvenienced as to any plans they need to make for the month of August is totally inconsequential. I guess they just had to put so many people on special assignment to plan Everett's retirement party that no one had time to do the minor stuff like get the bid sheets out.

And, if they knew at the beginning of the month that bids would be "one day later" because contractual July didn't start until 02JUL, how come the Flight Service website STILL shows bid opening at 0001 on 18JUL and closing at 0001 on 22JUL? Any answer will do. After all, flight attendants are too stupid to recognize a lie when they hear one, right?

I might add that I've been on hold for the Contract Desk at APFA for almost 30 minutes now. But then, why should the Blessed Order of the Perpetually Trip-Removed on Useless Blvd care if the bid sheets are late? Update: after 45 minutes I gave up and hung up. The BOPTR's approach to problem-solving is that if you don't answer the phone and hear the problem, there's nothing to solve. "Let's all take a coffee break. My nerves are just on end from having to listen to all those phones ringing while I'm trying to work my Soduko."

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