AWESOME, totally Awesome ! (This from the National Journal)

Aug 20, 2002

( YO..'southwind. I doubled-checked with Google, to make Sure the ' N-J ' was a CONSERVATIVE mag. ) !!!!!

GOD Forbid we ever wound up with EL-CHIMPO I I , but this article PROVES what I, and Dog and Ms. Tree and a few others have been saying on here, about the F-Up REPLUG party, for a looooooooong....looooooong time.

My favorite quote ?
This one.

"We are not done COMMITING SUICIDE here says veteran campaign strategist Jonh Weaver. We still have Immigration reform to go, Which I believe we WILL, because we're the ANGRY WHITE MAN Party" !

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!

The Republican Party.
The 'GIFT'....(that will Always and Forever) .......Keep on GIVING !
(Until they change thier Moronic.........OUTDATED........ 'Fox-News' ways) !