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Ben Carson hops on the crazy train again.

Since your not a neurosurgeon, why don't you tell us how fast lava travels?

Your Anointed One thinks we have 57 states! When's the last time you started a topic about that?
southwind said:
Since your not a neurosurgeon, why don't you tell us how fast lava travels?

Your Anointed One thinks we have 57 states! When's the last time you started a topic about that?
BUT none of this matters.   Wanna' know why  ?
Because YOUR SIDE,..........is INCAPABLE of winning an election for the  POTUS.     T H A T' S.....W H Y  !!
southwind said:
Since your not a neurosurgeon, why don't you tell us how fast lava travels?

Your Anointed One thinks we have 57 states! When's the last time you started a topic about that?
Do you ever look stuff up?  I me seriously.  The information is out there.  Or is it just your knee jerk reaction to attack the person when you do not like the information?  
Just take the logic of the statement.  Do you think 13,000 people are just going to sit there and die during a volcanic eruption with out trying to flee?  Does that scenario really make sense to you?   
Pliny the Younger, just 18 years old at the time, was also a witness to the eruption. He reported people climbing through waves of ash to escape. His account of the tons of pumice, rock and ash that Vesuvius pumped out over a 25-hour period, combined with the evidence left in Pompeii, indicates that about 2,000 residents of Pompeii survived the initial eruption of Vesuvius on August 24. It was the following morning when another, more powerful eruption killed everyone in an instant. When rain mixed with the ash, it formed a sort of concrete, preserving the city. The town of Herculaneum was also buried on August 25, but by a mudslide set off by the eruption and accompanying tremors. It is estimated that 13,000 people in total died from the eruption.
Fifty seven states?  Really?  How stupid are you?  Do you really think Quail does not know how to spell potato?   
Do you really think someone making a Freudian slip about the number of states or how to spell a word is the equivalent of saying 13,000 people did not think about out running a volcanic explosion?  
And you fix planes?  I need to start driving more.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
BUT none of this matters.   Wanna' know why  ?
Because YOUR SIDE,..........is INCAPABLE of winning an election for the  POTUS.     T H A T' S.....W H Y  !!
Wake up gramps it's not 2016 yet, November 2016 is still over a year away. Get that Alzheimer test soon. Hilldabeast will be in prison, Burnie will hike back to the Vermont Commune as not electable, and Joe "Gaffe" Biden will be partying with Billdo at the nudey bar while Hilldabeast will be adding more wrinkles at Leavenworth Federal Prison.  Let go of the CAPs button.
Hackman said:
Wake up gramps it's not 2016 yet, November 2016 is still over a year away. Get that Alzheimer test soon. Hilldabeast will be in prison, Burnie will hike back to the Vermont Commune as not electable, and Joe "Gaffe" Biden will be partying with Billdo at the nudey bar while Hilldabeast will be adding more wrinkles at Leavenworth Federal Prison.  Let go of the CAPs button.
Here's the thing....NHBB is right - just look at the republican field....I mean, Hillary may be bad, but look at what they are running against her.   Half the field is playing to the "values voters" and want the US to become just like a mideast theocracy.  They all believe that 3 minus 2 equals 5 and seem to believe that trickle down economics works.  When someone points out that trickle down economics doesn't work, they respond with "it's not a revenue issue, it's a spending issue"...but then they totally ignore their plans to increase defense (or offense in the case of the GOP) spending and rattle their sabers for war every chance they get.  This is where the "trickle down fairies" come into play, as offense spending doesn't count towards the debt.   
Hackman said:
November 2016 is still over a year away. Hilldabeast will be in prison, Burnie will hike back to the Vermont Commune as not electable, and Joe "Gaffe" Biden will be partying with Billdo at the nudey bar.
And the South will win the Civil War.
They dont like Ben Carson because he's black.
Bunch of old white racists.
The story could be fake. Not sure. Given Carsons other comment this sounds like something he could say but it's looking like he did not say this.
townpete said:
They dont like Ben Carson because he's black.
Bunch of old white racists.
Those are the people who will keep him from being nominated.
Yea yea. Another ignorant comment. Try adressing the issue.

He comes out and caimd the Jews could have defended them selves against an armed military and populace. He comes out and says he would have rushed the gunman in OR but when he was held up at gun pint in Popeys he just threw thr guy bebind the counter under the bus. He comes.out and says that the Bib Bang and evolution are fairy tales with not a shred of evidence to back up either statement.

I can see how insulting people is easier. No thought is needed.