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CMH statistics for August 2002

Aug 21, 2002
Reaction score
Please refer to the airport statistics for CMH August 2002 at http://www.port-columbus.com/Air_Service/A...0Statistics.pdf
Compare increases in passenger loads of America West with other airlines. WOW!
Let''s discuss this.
This is a success story if ever there was one!
On 10/4/2002 1:06:47 PM barbee tantrum wrote:

Please refer to the airport statistics for CMH August 2002 at http://www.port-columbus.com/Air_Service/A...0Statistics.pdf

Compare increases in passenger loads of America West with other airlines. WOW!

Let's discuss this.

This is a success story if ever there was one!

When I said let's discuss this, I meant on this forum! Not the Yahoo message board! How can any sane person read that thing and not want to toss their computer out the window? What a load of gibberish. We have funny faces here: [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/7.gif'] Discuss here. This is a warm and fuzzy place.
How about how the number of flights went up a small percentage yet passenger totals have increased substantially?
Visit http://www.port-columbus.com , click airport statistics and view comparison charts since May (when they first started comparisons). This magnificent trend has been developing for awhile. I wondered why all of the other airline employees were bowing when America West taxied by.

America West is the greatest airline in North America!
Interesting....a pretty good rise in pax totals...even in a bad year for airlines...the frieght total drops a great deal...but that should have been expected...wonder if this will change any minds in Rio Salado about expansion.
On 10/5/2002 6:02:06 AM Columbia blue wrote:

Interesting....a pretty good rise in pax totals...even in a bad year for airlines...the frieght total drops a great deal...but that should have been expected...wonder if this will change any minds in Rio Salado about expansion.

Cargo rates have dropped mostly due to use of RJs to east coast. There used to be lots of connecting cargo but the RJs can't carry much. As for expansion, why do you think AWA CMH is getting United's old gates in December? It's not because there is room for a volleyball court.