It's a shame HP wasn't able to make a go of it at CMH, but the operation there as a hub never really made much sense.
I seem to recall a request By HP on the DOT docket for an exemption of the 1,500nm perimeter rule for LGA. The idea was that since other carriers were able to operate nonstops to LGA from their hubs, that HP was at a competitive disadvantage since they could only offer EWR/JFK service from their PHX and LAS hub operations.
I am in a state of shock at the moment. All I can say is that I still love this company deeply, I wish them the best without Columbus, and to all my fellow 400 co-workers,...just keep your head up, we'll ride through this.
It's been a pleasure to work with you fine folks in the CMH hub the last 9 months. I've never seen a better, more professional ground crew anywhere. Friendly agents and that level of service just can't be found many places. CMH rocks. I'll miss you all greatly. Best wishes to you and your families through this difficult time..
Well, its a damn shame, some very good people in CMH. I figured this would eventually happen, the numbers just never added up. I really hope they take the mainline jets that are freed up and send them on more long hauls out of PHX to JFK, EWR, BOS, BDL, MIA, where the yield is better. Wish LGA could be a real city again, its on and off...a nonstop there would be fantastic if only they would let us.
Best of luck to all the CMH folks, I was always treated well there.
First off, my heart-felt sympathy to all in CMH that will be let go and a big thanks for your help through the years. I am shocked and surprised like many of you. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Second, to management, you claim CMH was unprofitable but it appears that you will leave 65 employees to cover just 4 flights. I am bad at math or is there something that I am not seeing? And if there are going to be 65 left to cover the 4 flights, that sounds like CMH could still have a yearly payroll of over $1.5 MM making it still unprofitable. Some things in life I just don't understand. Sorry again to all those who have served so long and so well.
On 2/11/2003 4:28:44 AM coolflyingfool wrote:
First off, my heart-felt sympathy to all in CMH that will be let go and a big thanks for your help through the years. I am shocked and surprised like many of you. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Second, to management, you claim CMH was unprofitable but it appears that you will leave 65 employees to cover just 4 flights. I am bad at math or is there something that I am not seeing? And if there are going to be 65 left to cover the 4 flights, that sounds like CMH could still have a yearly payroll of over $1.5 MM making it still unprofitable. Some things in life I just don't understand. Sorry again to all those who have served so long and so well.
The unprofitably of CMH can be put squarely upon the shoulders of AWA management. The reckless misuse of human resources was staggering. A loadmaster making $30/hr on his 7th consecutive day sitting in the breakroom playing poker with others because of poor scheduling. Open time/overtime was available to all with some seniority. There was overtime available even after September 11 when pilots were being furloughed. There was a tremendous hiring spree in the last several months. There were WAY too many people at CMH working WAY too many hours and doing too little. If they would have learned to do more with less long ago and stopped giving out overtime as if it were candy (and paid Chautauqua for their services), we wouldn't be in this mess.