Congratulations Mr. Siegle


Aug 20, 2002
Do you think Mr. Wolf would have handled things any differently? All he was here to do is put a different dress on the pig and sell it at auction.
I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on taking a World Class Airline operated by Steven Wolf and turning it into a Keystone Cops operation. Here are just a few examples in the last few days.
1. Large church group checks in at Philadelphia, and on arrival no bags.Twenty four hours later and still many bags missing. The sad thing is this was a direct flight.
2. Senior citizen traveling thru Pittsburgh and no luggage. Twenty four hours later and still no word.
3. Customers now waiting up to sixty minutes to claim luggage and then waiting up to a hour to file a claim,
We have become a ghost ship traveling the ocean with no one at the helm. I wonder what history will say about you and your management team.

If you only see half the problem, the other half will bury you.
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Invol -

In some ways I do think that Dave is doing things differently then Steve did. Steve was a realitor. His goal from day one was to give the airline "curb appeal" and sell it off. Dave has a different track record. He actually wants us to be a stand alone carrier and is planning things that way. Yes, mainline is not going to grow for a while. Yes, express and MDA will see the largest growth opportunities. But maybe that is what we have needed all along. To me, Dave has a much different approach to running the airline. Steve's track record spoke for itself, and he had a historical back ground of running and selling nearly every airline he worked for. Dave's approach is different. At CO he took what wasn't working (CO-Lite) and refocused the airline on operating from it's strengths. I see very similar patterns here. Some day PHL and EWR will look vastly similar (and I don't just mean from an ATC stand point), as will CLE and PIT. Prior to Dave and Gordon's arrival, CO did a lot of the point to point flying, as we did. Dave went in and looked at what was working (EWR and IAH) and what wasn't (CO-Lite and P2P flying) and redirected those assets to where they will make money. Unless you have the statistical data to back that PIT is a better hub then PHL from a revenue stand point then you have to trust that what he is doing is in the best interest of the airline. Just because PIT has a nicer airport, friendly employees, more gates and less congestion doesn't mean it is profitable. PROFIT and REVENUE are what will drive all the decisions that are made. It has to. Without them there will be no airline.
In my opinion "Dave" is turning U into a large commuter airline. We eventually may be swallowed up by a real airline but who knows? I guess "Dave" is redefining the term shrinking into profitablity.

The way I see this mangement team is the way I view a loaf of bread. Once you see a little mold on one slice, you have to "trash" the entire loaf in the dispenser.
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Wasn''t another part of the appeal (lipstick) to other carriers the unbelievably low price that Wolf was able to squeeze out of Airbus? It was rumored that that was the frosting on the cake (or the wig on the pig) that really helped put the deal in motion.
And what do YOU think we have with Davey boy?

Looks like no airline..

Wake up and clean out the cobwebs.

Down the road again(hopefully not like eal)>

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Pity -

Isn''t that the same as having someone say that since a few F/A''s abuse their sick time then everyone must be abusing their sick time, so we better adopt a sick policy that punishes everyone?
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Golden -

What do I think we have in Dave? Read the above post again....perhaps slowly this time. I think we have a CEO that is taking out the parts of the airline that don''t work, or don''t work well. Cutting out the featherbedding in the contracts, taking a hard stance against rising costs, eliminating routes that don''t make money, adjusting supply to demand, creating code share aggrements that bring in additional revenue, etc. He is doing what he has to do to make the company profitable. No one said it would be easy. You can call him all the names that you want and in the end you will find that no matter who was at the helm, the outcome would have been very similar. Could more be done to improve employee relations, absolutely. My feeling is that there has been a lot of focus and attention on keeping the ship for hitting the wall, now that we may be turning a corner, hopefully they will take the time to address employee issues.

Am I naive enough to believe that Dave isn''t hoping for some "unique corporate transaction"? No. But if that never materializes at least I know that he has a plan B.
Well, $4 bn in aircraft purchases is a pretty big hunk of lipstick. I think that the Airbus purchase did work to affect the possibility that US could be a stand-alone player.
On 7/9/2003 1:13:30 PM MarkMyWords wrote:

Pity -

Isn't that the same as having someone say that since a few F/A's abuse their sick time then everyone must be abusing their sick time, so we better adopt a sick policy that punishes everyone?



THAT IS JUST WHAT THIS MANAGEMENT DID AND DOES! So, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. OR, what goes around comes around to BITE, TIT for TAT.... etc.

I will not act in "good faith" when this management does not know how to spell it, let alone live it. I have learned from the best of them...huh ITRADE? "Eat _ _ _ _ and die.

Can you explain what this "sick on assignment is for reserves"? Tell this management that an e-line will be going out to the f/as to let them know that if at any time they are required to get a doctor's note or on weekends are demanded to get a note through ER, the company will pick up the medical tab.

Have fun!
Seigel and his current batch of cronies want to be strategic thinkers, and that''s fine.

They lack any ability to _run an operation_. The debacle in PHL and the current state of marketing and pricing/yield management prove that point to a fare-thee-well.

It matters not if Dave and company rework the operation to be "profitable" if nobody will fly U. And they are quickly working toward that end. Inability to deliver luggage. No audio on planes. Not cleaning planes. They are chasing revenue away as fast as they are cutting costs.

While costs needed to be cut, you still have to "operate" in the interim before you reach the utopia. This crew can''t hack it.