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COVID-19 airline policies discussion


Oct 23, 2010
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Maybe not with United as they are NOT following as they promised to the passengers. Here is a pic of a full flight 737 with all middle seats except for one are full. What the hell happened to middle seats left open? And social distancing on the aircraft as promised?? The perfect method to get passengers to pass on United and move onto Delta, Southwest, and AA. I understand United will not be profitable on a 2/3rds full flight, but they promised. Now they are, in mid stream, changing up all the rules (promises). As the Dr. posted people were scared, worried and stressed about it. None of them will fly United again. Shame-Shame United. Some time back SWA promised mandatory mask or face coverings to fly, and also will NOT fill any middle seats and will follow the distancing on the aircraft. And hopefully, they too will follow the recommended temp checks prior to anyone (including crews and employees) boarding an aircraft. Thanks United for helping our load factors increase. For SWA, half full and above will be profitable. Again, Shame on United for not following their own promises...

OOPS; forgot to add the article with pics:

To tell you the truth I don't know whether to be appalled at UAL's violation of the social distancing recommendations or be jealous that any airline managed to take off with only 1 empty seat. I'm also waiting to see just one airplane where the social distancing has been successfully implemented. If you are going to require 6 feet between passengers, not allowing anyone in the middle seat does not go far enough to do that accurately.
If you are going to require 6 feet between passengers on publicly available transportation, you'd better shut down every government operated bus and subway.

Oh, wait. They haven't been shut down?...

Social distancing on transportation is impossible to implement. You can try to separate people more, but nobody's going to turn down a customer wanting to travel right now.
Maybe not with United as they are NOT following as they promised to the passengers. Here is a pic of a full flight 737 with all middle seats except for one are full. What the hell happened to middle seats left open? And social distancing on the aircraft as promised?? The perfect method to get passengers to pass on United and move onto Delta, Southwest, and AA. I understand United will not be profitable on a 2/3rds full flight, but they promised. Now they are, in mid stream, changing up all the rules (promises). As the Dr. posted people were scared, worried and stressed about it. None of them will fly United again. Shame-Shame United. Some time back SWA promised mandatory mask or face coverings to fly, and also will NOT fill any middle seats and will follow the distancing on the aircraft. And hopefully, they too will follow the recommended temp checks prior to anyone (including crews and employees) boarding an aircraft. Thanks United for helping our load factors increase. For SWA, half full and above will be profitable. Again, Shame on United for not following their own promises...

OOPS; forgot to add the article with pics:


Let me give a perspective from someone who was there.
This was a full flight because most of the passengers were non-rev passengers (Volunteer medical personnel who was doing tours in the "hot zone" - NY/NYC area). This was the last flight of the day to SFO since we only fly to our hubs 3 times a day. (Note: right now, we only fly to the hubs only - IAH; IAD; ORD: DEN: SFO: and LAX. And AMS; LHR; FRA; and TLV. That's it. More flights will happen later this month.) There were revenue passengers on board as well. It was a situation where everybody wanted to go, or you would have to wait another day for a direct flight. Or a connector from a hubs I've mentioned. The passengers probably did not want to wait another day, and it was told to the passengers that the middle seat may not be available if everybody wanted to get on this flight. What would you do? UA was kind enough to volunteer for free a mostly non-rev flight to SFO, since it is going to a hub. Which is fine use for the aircraft since usually we are flying less than 30 to 50 percent cap. on those flights. About a week ago, that flight would be on a 757 westbound, but those birds have been sent to the desert for storage. So the 800 is being used. If it was LAX, one of those flights probably would be on a 787-10. With mainly freight & mail to boot.

BTW: this particular flight had a lot of bags on it, besides the usual cargo.

As usual, the press gets some of the story, but always bad PR on UA's part. You don't hear much about the nice send off that a volunteer from CO, who died from complications at one of the sites he was working at. The PA gave him a motorcade as his hearse came into the airport, and given a water cannon salute as he was transported back to DEN. (I think they did the same as he arrived at DEN.) It was a very nice and respectful salute. I guess no good deed goes unpunished...
Wow, talk about missing context in the media reporting...
Let me give a perspective from someone who was there.
This was a full flight because most of the passengers were non-rev passengers (Volunteer medical personnel who was doing tours in the "hot zone" - NY/NYC area). This was the last flight of the day to SFO since we only fly to our hubs 3 times a day. (Note: right now, we only fly to the hubs only - IAH; IAD; ORD: DEN: SFO: and LAX. And AMS; LHR; FRA; and TLV. That's it. More flights will happen later this month.) There were revenue passengers on board as well. It was a situation where everybody wanted to go, or you would have to wait another day for a direct flight. Or a connector from a hubs I've mentioned. The passengers probably did not want to wait another day, and it was told to the passengers that the middle seat may not be available if everybody wanted to get on this flight. What would you do? UA was kind enough to volunteer for free a mostly non-rev flight to SFO, since it is going to a hub. Which is fine use for the aircraft since usually we are flying less than 30 to 50 percent cap. on those flights. About a week ago, that flight would be on a 757 westbound, but those birds have been sent to the desert for storage. So the 800 is being used. If it was LAX, one of those flights probably would be on a 787-10. With mainly freight & mail to boot.

BTW: this particular flight had a lot of bags on it, besides the usual cargo.

As usual, the press gets some of the story, but always bad PR on UA's part. You don't hear much about the nice send off that a volunteer from CO, who died from complications at one of the sites he was working at. The PA gave him a motorcade as his hearse came into the airport, and given a water cannon salute as he was transported back to DEN. (I think they did the same as he arrived at DEN.) It was a very nice and respectful salute. I guess no good deed goes unpunished...

T5, I know that was a free medical return flight, as I read the entire article. And yes praise them for a very good and dangerous deed done. No disrespect there and none going forward here, however, you asked if it were me? I will tell ya straight up I would have left that aircraft rather I was a freebie or a paying passenger, period, no questions asked. All these people were willing to risk their health and quite possibly their lives just to get on that "last flight of the day". I do not agree with that mentality. I would have went back home or back to hotel and grabbed the next flight out rather next day or 2 or3 or whatever. I most definitely would not have continued on that full flight with one seat empty. No way in hell.
To tell you the truth I don't know whether to be appalled at UAL's violation of the social distancing recommendations or be jealous that any airline managed to take off with only 1 empty seat. I'm also waiting to see just one airplane where the social distancing has been successfully implemented. If you are going to require 6 feet between passengers, not allowing anyone in the middle seat does not go far enough to do that accurately.

Jim I swear I just saw a video of a flight by a passenger that every other seat and all middle seats were empty and now I can't find it. Aircraft had blue seats and passenger pointed out distancing and F/A's all wearing mask and maybe passengers as well. I will keep searching though.
Sheesh, all the hyperbole... "Risking your life" seems just a bit overstated.

Right now, the survival rate is somewhere around 99.983%
Sheesh, all the hyperbole... "Risking your life" seems just a bit overstated.

Right now, the survival rate is somewhere around 99.983%
Really E? Obviously YOU have not lost anyone close to the virus. Older people and folks with existing health issues would be risking their lives if someone sitting near them has it "unknowingly" and spreads it to them. It is in fact a risk of life if the airlines are not social distancing on aircraft and older and existing health issue folks take that chance to fly. Yes, it's also the same risk on a bus or train, not saying it's just airlines, but the photo was from an aircraft.
2nd note; I have relatives that are in the medical field and they are scared evey single day that they will get it just because you simply just can not distance yourself while caring for sick and/or injured people. Are they overstating their worries? I don't think so. BTW, my 2 relatives refuse to fly, take a bus, or train or any public trans. for the mere fact if they have it unknowingly to not spread it to the public. As far as all these Dr's and nurses flying all over to help out with the virus; they all should have been on a seperate charter aircraft, not flown with other general public passengers. They all were coming back from taking care of COVID-19 patients, who knows if they have it or not, we might hear something within 2 weeks of that flight. Why take that chance??? Overstated my ass. That was the highest risk flight to date that I know of.
And now look at what the big 3 are NOT doing. They WILL NOT force the passengers to wear their mask once doors are closed, moving, flying and landing. That is just not right. Why in the hell would you let that out in the media that crews are not allowed to force it. I see Alaska, Southwest and JB getting more business over this. Maybe those 3 will recover better and faster than the big 3. They really should rethink that move.
This just reinforces what I wrote earlier. But E thinks it's all overstated. Think that when your seated next to two Dr.'s and they are not wearing their mask just flying home from touching and taking care of COVID-19 patients. Way to go big 3...

And now look at what the big 3 are NOT doing. They WILL NOT force the passengers to wear their mask once doors are closed, moving, flying and landing. That is just not right. Why in the hell would you let that out in the media that crews are not allowed to force it. I see Alaska, Southwest and JB getting more business over this. Maybe those 3 will recover better and faster than the big 3. They really should rethink that move.
This just reinforces what I wrote earlier. But E thinks it's all overstated. Think that when your seated next to two Dr.'s and they are not wearing their mask just flying home from touching and taking care of COVID-19 patients. Way to go big 3...


TRUST ME, swamt, Trust Me like you've NEVER Trusted anything more, before in your life, Because: Eolesen 'thinks' he KNOWS Every GD Thing, about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING ! He has ENORMOUS ' Visions of Grandeur ' !!!!!!!!!
Maybe it's time for you to quit your job if you're so convinced that flying is dangerous. How can you cash your check knowing that you're supporting flying death machines?......

All the older folks I know would rather be able to actually enjoy the time they have left vs. being in isolation and without physical contact. I can't disagree with that idea right now.

We have three generations of nurses in my family, one of whom is on an active COVID floor. They keep going to work and coming home to their familes, no worries about bringing the disease home. It's called precautions. Something they do every day.

I choose dangerous freedom over safe solitude. You can do whatever you want.
If word gets around that airlines will not force passengers to wear the masks in flight, you can rest assured that the masks will not be worn. Reason: The long held philosophy that if you don't get caught or there are no consequences to disobeying, it's legal, and the average American will not comply. For instance here in Dallas which is woefully short of police personnel, almost no one obeys the speed limits on the freeway. Speed limit was 60mph. People drove 70mph. City raised the speed limits on major freeways to 70 mph. People immediately started driving 80 mph. Pick almost any "restriction" to my God-given right to kill myself through reckless behavior and you will encounter repeated instances of people disobeying suggestions, recommendations, and/or the law.

There is also another incentive to disobeying. The experts have stated over and over that wearing the mask does NOT protect you from infection. It protects the other person from you. OK, so the Great American existential question of "what's in it for me?" kicks in.
Not to take this on too far of a tangent, but I've noticed since the Safer-at-Home initiatives started, a lot more people are running lights, not yielding, etc.
Maybe it's time for you to quit your job if you're so convinced that flying is dangerous. How can you cash your check knowing that you're supporting flying death machines?......

All the older folks I know would rather be able to actually enjoy the time they have left vs. being in isolation and without physical contact. I can't disagree with that idea right now.

We have three generations of nurses in my family, one of whom is on an active COVID floor. They keep going to work and coming home to their familes, no worries about bringing the disease home. It's called precautions. Something they do every day.

I choose dangerous freedom over safe solitude. You can do whatever you want.
You ask how? Because my airline IS enforcing mask and/or face coverings. IS enforcing social distancing on aircraft leaving middle seats empty plus some others. IS doing extra over the top cleaning and disinfecting of all aircraft, gate areas, ticket counters etc.. IS also in full support of temp montering before anyone gets on their aircraft using the CDC 99.6 degrees.
Now you and yours can do what they wish. I for one will not take the chance of "possibly" spreading the virus to anyone in my family including much older grandparents, great grandparents as well as my grandchildren.
No need to quit my job as I do not have to fly, I just repair and maintain them. And I am fully aware of all the extended and extra precautions my company is taking to ensure the safety of the passengers and employees working the flights. Cannot say the same for the big 3-- AA, United, and Delta since they won't even enforce the wearing of the mask. What other measurements are they not enforcing that they are not revealing? Me personally will pick the safer route and not put my family at any risk as far as myself and work is concerned.