Delta to invest in Alitalia!!!!!


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
So many reactions come to mind, like throwing good money after bad or What? Have they lost their minds in Atlanta? But , truth be known, Alitalia is already part of the Delta/Air France/KLM joint venture and provides a lot of feed in Italy to Delta and the joint venture. This is a really good, insightful look at the mess that is Alitalia and why this latest attempt to "save" Alitalia will fail. (Can you say government meddling in the process?) Also, Cranky Flier is really good at tongue in cheek writing. Enjoy!
So many reactions come to mind, like throwing good money after bad or What? Have they lost their minds in Atlanta? But , truth be known, Alitalia is already part of the Delta/Air France/KLM joint venture and provides a lot of feed in Italy to Delta and the joint venture. This is a really good, insightful look at the mess that is Alitalia and why this latest attempt to "save" Alitalia will fail. (Can you say government meddling in the process?) Also, Cranky Flier is really good at tongue in cheek writing. Enjoy!

Your references using 'cranky' are DY-NO-MITE !!