Did AA order any of these?

MCI transplant

Jun 4, 2003
Did AA order any of these? --------- A340's found to have design flow that conributed to Air France crash? Found, that because of no feel between pilot, and co pilot's,in the control sticks, may have contributed to crash. The co-pliot didn't know that the Jr. pilot, who was flying the Aircraft at the time of the crash, was trying to climb when the Aircraft was in a stall.
AA doesn't have any A330 or A340 orders, but they all have the joystick. Its a different way of flying, and just shows its all about the training. Just like Airbus deflected blame on AA587, it will come down to the fact that AF had ineffective high altitude stall training.
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I believe, but could certainly be corrected, that in the Airbus fly-by-wire system moving one joystick doesn't result in movement of the other so there's no feedback in that sense. Seems like I've read that the last joystick moved has precedence - it's imput goes to the computers unless the other joystick is then moved, which would result in that joystick having precedence. I also seem to remember that if both joysticks are being manuipulated opposite each other the left seat joystick has precedence.

Of course, in theory the limits built into the computers are supposed to protect the airplane from pilot input - you shouldn't be able to stall, roll, invert, overstress, overspeed, overbank, etc the plane. That's where it seems that the loss of data to the computers played a role - without data for a short time, the computers effectively said "We give up because we don't know what's happening" and all that built in protection went out the window.

I believe, but could certainly be corrected, that in the Airbus fly-by-wire system moving one joystick doesn't result in movement of the other so there's no feedback in that sense. Seems like I've read that the last joystick moved has precedence - it's imput goes to the computers unless the other joystick is then moved, which would result in that joystick having precedence. I also seem to remember that if both joysticks are being manuipulated opposite each other the left seat joystick has precedence.

Of course, in theory the limits built into the computers are supposed to protect the airplane from pilot input - you shouldn't be able to stall, roll, invert, overstress, overspeed, overbank, etc the plane. That's where it seems that the loss of data to the computers played a role - without data for a short time, the computers effectively said "We give up because we don't know what's happening" and all that built in protection went out the window.


I have never read anything about precedence the article i read was that the computer compared the inputs and split the difference so in theory if one was full nose up and the other where full nose down you would be null but you are correct about the logic part of the computers that you are not allowed to ask for out of design limit movements but once the computers lost Air data they dissconnect and all bets where off the f/o was causing the stall but no one could see because the captins stick does not move in response to his imputs from the right and they thought even if he where putting the inputs in they would not be followed. In the end none of them could figure it out and the f/o kept the nose up until they belly floped into the ocean in a conventionally controled plane they would have been screaming at him to turn lose of the yolk and most likely all those people would be alive today hence the saying if it ain't boeing i ain't going
After looking at the US A330 manual, I see where I was confused. A pilot can cause his sidestick to take priority by pressing and holding the priority button on his sidestick. Hold the priority button in for 40 or more seconds and the other sidestick is locked out. While there is a priority function, it isn't activated anything like what I said would activate it. Moving both sidesticks works exactly as you say unless the priority button is pressed. Thanks for the corrections.
