Pain at the Pump
For those of you who saw President elect Obama introduce Senator Biden as his VP choice, you clearly saw the role Joe Biden will play in the upcoming election, that being an Attack dog !
Senator Biden "handcuffed" John McCain-clearly- to the inadequate current president.
The selection of Sen. Biden(besides being a brilliant strategical move by the Obama camp) looks to present a dilemma(s) for John McCain. For instance, McCain, should he select Mitt Romney will not be able to produce negative comments from Joe Biden towards Obama, because McCain used much more Negativity towards Romney in the primaries !
In addition, should the republican "machine" go after Joe Biden for plagiarism,(that occurred 20 Years ago) the Democrats will Surely remind the American public of McCains role in the "Keating 5 savings and loan Scandal"(something I feel will "stick" with voters during these trying economical times) Further, Sen. Biden who has known McCain for 30 years, effectively pointed out that John McCain(again) kowtowed to the evangelical segment of the GOP.
(I've respected Mr. McCain for years not only for his bravery during capture, but for his(some times) opposing views from the GOP.)
It frustrates me(a bit) to see J. McCain "cave-in" again.(Why McCain doesn't become an Independent like Joe Lieberman, is puzzling) !
Because of the Biden selection, perhaps McCain will make a late change from Romney to (perhaps) Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel ? Then again, that would not work since Sen. Hagel has NOT endorsed John McCain.
At this point, I'm not sure which "situation" is more problematic for McCain.
The selection of Joe Biden, or Sen. McCains "7" homes.
Thoughts ???
Senator Biden "handcuffed" John McCain-clearly- to the inadequate current president.
The selection of Sen. Biden(besides being a brilliant strategical move by the Obama camp) looks to present a dilemma(s) for John McCain. For instance, McCain, should he select Mitt Romney will not be able to produce negative comments from Joe Biden towards Obama, because McCain used much more Negativity towards Romney in the primaries !
In addition, should the republican "machine" go after Joe Biden for plagiarism,(that occurred 20 Years ago) the Democrats will Surely remind the American public of McCains role in the "Keating 5 savings and loan Scandal"(something I feel will "stick" with voters during these trying economical times) Further, Sen. Biden who has known McCain for 30 years, effectively pointed out that John McCain(again) kowtowed to the evangelical segment of the GOP.
(I've respected Mr. McCain for years not only for his bravery during capture, but for his(some times) opposing views from the GOP.)
It frustrates me(a bit) to see J. McCain "cave-in" again.(Why McCain doesn't become an Independent like Joe Lieberman, is puzzling) !
Because of the Biden selection, perhaps McCain will make a late change from Romney to (perhaps) Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel ? Then again, that would not work since Sen. Hagel has NOT endorsed John McCain.
At this point, I'm not sure which "situation" is more problematic for McCain.
The selection of Joe Biden, or Sen. McCains "7" homes.
Thoughts ???