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Dilemma(s) for John McCain ?

Aug 16, 2008
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For those of you who saw President elect Obama introduce Senator Biden as his VP choice, you clearly saw the role Joe Biden will play in the upcoming election, that being an Attack dog !
Senator Biden "handcuffed" John McCain-clearly- to the inadequate current president.

The selection of Sen. Biden(besides being a brilliant strategical move by the Obama camp) looks to present a dilemma(s) for John McCain. For instance, McCain, should he select Mitt Romney will not be able to produce negative comments from Joe Biden towards Obama, because McCain used much more Negativity towards Romney in the primaries !

In addition, should the republican "machine" go after Joe Biden for plagiarism,(that occurred 20 Years ago) the Democrats will Surely remind the American public of McCains role in the "Keating 5 savings and loan Scandal"(something I feel will "stick" with voters during these trying economical times) Further, Sen. Biden who has known McCain for 30 years, effectively pointed out that John McCain(again) kowtowed to the evangelical segment of the GOP.
(I've respected Mr. McCain for years not only for his bravery during capture, but for his(some times) opposing views from the GOP.)
It frustrates me(a bit) to see J. McCain "cave-in" again.(Why McCain doesn't become an Independent like Joe Lieberman, is puzzling) !

Because of the Biden selection, perhaps McCain will make a late change from Romney to (perhaps) Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel ? Then again, that would not work since Sen. Hagel has NOT endorsed John McCain.

At this point, I'm not sure which "situation" is more problematic for McCain.
The selection of Joe Biden, or Sen. McCains "7" homes.

Thoughts ???
If your assertions carry more weight than the Big 'O's ties to Rezko and those American terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn,maybe Joe can explain them away:

“I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough,†Ayers told the New York Times in 2001.

In November 1997, Ayers and Obama participated in a panel at the University of Chicago entitled Should a child ever be called a “super predator?†to debate “the merits of the juvenile justice systemâ€.

In April 2002, Ayers, Dohrn, and Obama, then an Illinois State Senator, participated together at a conference entitled “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?†sponsored by The Center for Public Intellectuals and the University of Illinois-Chicago. Ayers and Obama were two of the six members of the “Intellectuals in Times of Crisis†panel.

Ayers, “who in the 1960s was a member of the terrorist group Weatherman and a wanted fugitive for over a decade as a result of the group’s bombing campaign,†is currently the Board Chairman of the Woods Fund of Chicago and Obama is a former Board member.

For those of you who saw President elect Obama introduce Senator Biden as his VP choice, you clearly saw the role Joe Biden will play in the upcoming election, that being an Attack dog !
Senator Biden "handcuffed" John McCain-clearly- to the inadequate current president.

The selection of Sen. Biden(besides being a brilliant strategical move by the Obama camp) looks to present a dilemma(s) for John McCain. For instance, McCain, should he select Mitt Romney will not be able to produce negative comments from Joe Biden towards Obama, because McCain used much more Negativity towards Romney in the primaries !

In addition, should the republican "machine" go after Joe Biden for plagiarism,(that occurred 20 Years ago) the Democrats will Surely remind the American public of McCains role in the "Keating 5 savings and loan Scandal"(something I feel will "stick" with voters during these trying economical times) Further, Sen. Biden who has known McCain for 30 years, effectively pointed out that John McCain(again) kowtowed to the evangelical segment of the GOP.
(I've respected Mr. McCain for years not only for his bravery during capture, but for his(some times) opposing views from the GOP.)
It frustrates me(a bit) to see J. McCain "cave-in" again.(Why McCain doesn't become an Independent like Joe Lieberman, is puzzling) !

Because of the Biden selection, perhaps McCain will make a late change from Romney to (perhaps) Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel ? Then again, that would not work since Sen. Hagel has NOT endorsed John McCain.

At this point, I'm not sure which "situation" is more problematic for McCain.
The selection of Joe Biden, or Sen. McCains "7" homes.

Thoughts ???

You forgot to add one little tidbit concerning your comments.

Early in the campaigns, Biden was quoted as saying, " Nobama does not have the experience to be President of the U.S." !

How quickly people change their tunes !
You forgot to add one little tidbit concerning your comments.

Early in the campaigns, Biden was quoted as saying, " Nobama does not have the experience to be President of the U.S." !

How quickly people change their tunes !
Neither did Bush, although I seem to recall that his choice of VICE PRESIDENT offset that concern. While Biden may be verbose, all he has to say is "Now he has a team that does". Play up the part where Obama's ego will want him to make the final call, but toss in the fact that he likes to gather all the facts - including input from his vice president (as opposed to just following the directive of the VP) and this might not be as big a problem as you'd like it to be.

As a matter of fact...the more that comes out about the power that Cheney held over Bush - the democrats might well want to focus on McSame as being four more years of Cheney.
Big 'O' may be foretelling his own tea leaves.....

He introduced Joe as "the next President of the United States" yesterday.....ever hear of that superstition about watching what you say?
Associated Press: Biden 'Talks Too Much'

Analysis: Biden pick shows lack of confidence.

DENVER - The candidate of change went with the status quo.

In picking Sen. Joe Biden to be his running mate, Barack Obama sought to shore up his weakness — inexperience in office and on foreign policy — rather than underscore his strength as a new-generation candidate defying political conventions.

He picked a 35-year veteran of the Senate — the ultimate insider — rather than a candidate from outside Washington ...

So the question is whether Biden’s depth counters Obama’s inexperience — or highlights it?

After all, Biden is anything but a change agent, having been in office longer than half of all Americans have been alive. Longer than McCain.

And he talks too much.
Hmmm...might be kind of refreshing after 8 years of a VP who spent 7.5 years in an "undisclosed location" pulled a lot of presidential puppet strings but rarely said much besides "Go F--k yourself".

honestly though, I was hoping to get another VP who would shoot a friend in the face, and then have the "shot-friend" apologize for getting shot. That was classic... comic relief if you will.
I hear they call Joe Biden the Democrat Dick Cheney.......

Democrat Dick would work well...... :lol:

The new Dick
And you just proved my point. Bushy didn't have much experience in foreign policy or domestic policy. The Texas governor's position is a "weak" position. He could have faced the issue of "not being ready to be president" on that point. So they got Big Dick on the ticket...his "vast experience" would address that issue. So - y'all say Obama lacks experience...he gets someone WITH experience and presto....it's a non-issue.
And you just proved my point. Bushy didn't have much experience in foreign policy or domestic policy. The Texas governor's position is a "weak" position. He could have faced the issue of "not being ready to be president" on that point. So they got Big Dick on the ticket...his "vast experience" would address that issue. So - y'all say Obama lacks experience...he gets someone WITH experience and presto....it's a non-issue.

So now we have a Bush clone administration............... :lol:
(Mr.) DellDude,

As I mentioned in my opening(topic) remarks, Sen. McCain, should he choose former Gov. Romney, will not I feel be able to use Joe Bidens harsh words against mr. Obama since he(McCain) Savaged Romney in the primaries !

The "base" has said unequivocally--NO pro choice VP's, so that there further ties McCains hands, so where does McCain turn ?

"Rudy", tom tancredo ?(the Democrats certainly hope so) !!

"Swift boating" won't fly this time since John McCain has opposed it vehemently.

I really see MCain between a rock and a hard place !

Your thoughts please.

Thank you.
Neither did Bush, although I seem to recall that his choice of VICE PRESIDENT offset that concern. While Biden may be verbose, all he has to say is "Now he has a team that does". Play up the part where Obama's ego will want him to make the final call, but toss in the fact that he likes to gather all the facts - including input from his vice president (as opposed to just following the directive of the VP) and this might not be as big a problem as you'd like it to be.

As a matter of fact...the more that comes out about the power that Cheney held over Bush - the democrats might well want to focus on McSame as being four more years of Cheney.

So your saying McCain is picking Chaney for his running mate I take it ? :blink:

BTW : I doubt , very seriously, that McCain will get "RAILROADED" by his VP, like Bush did and Nobama will ! :shock:
BTW : I doubt , very seriously, that McCain will get "RAILROADED" by his VP, like Bush did and Nobama will ! :shock:

No...if the campaign is any indicator, the person with the most influence on McSame will be the last person he was speaking to.