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DL prepares for war with US in DCA


Aug 20, 2002
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Starting Nov. 1, DL will launch a slew of new flights out of DCA all using RJ''s operated by Comair or ASA. Here is a list of the new flights:
DCA-CMH 3x daily RJ
DCA-HSV 2x daily RJ
DCA-CHS 2x daily RJ
DCA-JAX 2x daily RJ
DCA-MCO 2x daily RJ
DCA-PBI 2x daily RJ
DCA-TPA 1x daily RJ
DCA-FLL 1x daily RJ
This is in addition to BOS-DCA which DL re-launched last week.
Obviously, this move is aimed squarely at US. The flights to Florida pose no real threat to US. However, the flights to CMH,HSV,CHS and JAX should be of more concern. DL could easily undermine U on these routes given that DL is very strong in those markets. I guess if DL can''t get the alliance with NW/CO, they''ll just try to flood US out of every nook and cranny with RJs.
To a lesser extent, this move is also aimed at US' proposed code-sharing partner United, which has a hub just 25 miles away at IAD. UA (or ACA) serves 5 of the 8 markets targeted by DL at DCA.

But I have a question -- where is DL getting the DCA slots to start all of this new service, including BOS? Have they been hoarding slots, or are they planning to utilize currently unused general aviation slots (post-9/11 rules have kept most GA flights out of DCA for security reasons)?
On 9/10/2002 3:02:31 PM Cosmo wrote:
But I have a question -- where is DL getting the DCA slots to start all of this new service, including BOS? Have they been hoarding slots, or are they planning to utilize currently unused general aviation slots (post-9/11 rules have kept most GA flights out of DCA for security reasons)?

DL has served the BOS-DCA market before, so the slots for that route were readily available for DL to re-start.

As for the rest of the slots, I'm not sure. Over on the CAL Yahoo! board, there is a poster who claims that the slots are being leased from NW. NW was leasing them to US, but when US went bankrupt the contracts on those leases were voided. NW decided to give them to DL for whatever reason (DL's more likely to pay, NW wants to drive US out of business,etc). Supposedly, US will have to cancel some DCA flights because of this. I don't know the validity of these claims.

I think you're correct. This is a direct strike against both US and UA, individually, and collectively via their proposed codeshare. I believe these are the old NW slots from their mini-hub at DCA. I believe they were put up for sale and DL acquired them not too long ago.
If one will be wait a few months, you will see the value in US's markets, its people and it's soul. With the new payrates for all- which are gouging everyone mind you, there is no reason to believe that we will not kick DL's behind all voer the place. An RJ DCA-PBI??? Let me outta this cigar!!!!
In my opinion DL is responding to the emerging US threat and trying to hurt UA in the process, who I believe will be forced to reorganize.

US has already lowered its cost structure with its new labor agreements in effect, court protection from creditors, and the elimnation of almost $700 million in long-term debt.

US has a strong reorganization plan that has recieved conditional investor & ATSB backing.

With the lower cost structure, RJ expansion, and the code-share alliance, I am no longer afraid of DL and I look forward to the competitive challenge.

hello DL.. what war.. i always start laughing and as my fellow workers at US how DL is so this and so that.. come on. so you didnt apply for a loan big deal.. but everytime US tries something new .. DL is there to sink it.. what are you afraid of... Your CEO seems to be afraid. Funny thing is that we have friends at DL who laugh along with us and not at us. But the culture at DL has always been a little wierd... seems to go back when they bought out Northeast Airlines in 1972 and added a number to their employee number so everyone knew that they werent a REAL DL EMPLOYEE.. I hear that NE still has reunions in BOS and really gets their goat... Competition is good . US has never been afraid of anyone.. The old management was.. I think this one will be one to really tangle with. The US employees once all contracts are settled will be a force to deal with.. FINALLY...
On 9/10/2002 4:53:29 PM chipmunn wrote:

In my opinion DL is responding to the emerging US threat and trying to hurt UA in the process, who I believe will be forced to reorganize.

US has already lowered its cost structure with its new labor agreements in effect, court protection from creditors, and the elimnation of almost $700 million in long-term debt.

US has a strong reorganization plan that has recieved conditional investor & ATSB backing.

With the lower cost structure, RJ expansion, and the code-share alliance, I am no longer afraid of DL and I look forward to the competitive challenge.

Once again, I admire your optimism. Good luck. It should be one hell of a fight.
Delta is doing what they should be doing: anything and everything to preserve their market share in the most challenging environment ever to hit the U.S. airline industry. The proposed UA/US alliance has deep revenue implications for Delta and they know it. So they are doing everything they can to fight back. That is exactly what an airline should do when faced with that situation. Come out swinging. If you're not willing to staunchly defend your franchise against all comers, you will get steamrolled in this business.
You can always know if something US is or wants to do is a good thing by the way the Dixie Darlings react. The UAL/US codeshare really must be a good thing Leo and his boys had to get something together real quick. Can't wait to compete against The Dixie Darlings head on, with U's lower costs it ought to make Leo lose some sleep. Drink somemore Kool-Aid Leo, between AirTran and U coming on...things are going to get interesting! If UAL goes BK and lowers their costs...the Delta Boys will be digging into their pockets and they know it!
[P]read this it's almost a dupe of U's service...[/P]
[P][A href=http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020912/atth013_1.html]http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/020912/atth013_1.html[/A][/P]
[P]DAL intro service to Caribbean.[/P]
I guess I know where the additional 400 U RJs are going to go.