Does Office of Diversity extend to religious diversity?


Dec 20, 2002
I wonder if the Office of Diversity has considered the possibility that there just MIGHT be members of religions OTHER than Christianity in our workforce? And why it is perfectly acceptable to be a crossdresser but if you happen to be Wiccan, Pagan or any earth-based religion (especially in the Bible Belt) you have to put up with so much BS it''s unbelievable!
Are there any other Wiccans/Pagans in the system? I would like to hear from you and how you handle your diversity.
BB and slan leat,
Erin Saoirse
Yes, the Office of Diversity can assist with religious diversity issues. I would contact my Manager or HR if I had any question on what assistance is available. Most Managers have had recent training on Diversity.
Light Years,
I hope this person is just trying to make a point and not how they actually think about gay/lesbian fellow employees. I saw it as a frustration over the fact that there are so many diversities out there but the only ones who seem to have a voice is the gay/lesbian faction. At least I hope so. There are many many gay/lesbian employees who would bend over backwards to help out their "straight" coworkers. I know from experience.
If we break into small groups of many minority views on life there will be too many factions. Gay groups--lesbian groups--male groups--female groups--married groups--living together groups--mixed couple groups--religious groups--and that one alone could break into many many groups. Why don't you all just try to work together and understand that all workers have their own set of issues. Of course if the world were perfect we woudln't hve these issues to deal with. If all companies were fair to all workers there would be no need. If all people were tolerant of everyone else there woudln't be world problems. Good luck and just keep working together for the good of ALL.
On 1/30/2003 8:14:39 AM Severed-N-Happy wrote:

On 1/29/2003 11:30:14 PM ScottishWitch wrote:

BB and slan leat,
Erin Saoirse
Translation for the "diversity" challenged?

slan leat = your health (more or less)
On 1/30/2003 9:04:36 AM eolesen wrote:

On 1/30/2003 8:14:39 AM Severed-N-Happy wrote:

On 1/29/2003 11:30:14 PM ScottishWitch wrote:

BB and slan leat,
Erin Saoirse
Translation for the "diversity" challenged?

slan leat = your health (more or less)
like " a votre sante" or "salut" I suppose.
Drifterreno said:

... I saw it as a frustration over the fact that there are so many diversities out there but the only ones who seem to have a voice is the gay/lesbian faction. At least I hope so... If we break into small groups of many minority views on life there will be too many factions. Gay groups--lesbian groups--male groups--female groups--married groups--living together groups--mixed couple groups--religious groups--and that one alone could break into many many groups. Why don't you all just try to work together and understand that all workers have their own set of issues.

DCAflyer replies:

I too agree with much of your post, reno. But the part I copied above tells me that you have never been called "fa*got" or "hebe" or the N-word.

It tells me that you've never been denied the opportunity to bring your spouse or significant other to corporate events.

It tells me you've never had to provide substantial documentation about what this person means to you so that he/she can get on your term pass or be an insurance beneficiary or to get on your health insurance because he/she just lost their job or wants to take time to work on that masters degree.

It tells me you've never had profanity painted on your garage door.

It tells me that you never had to take time away from work to attend a doctor's appointment with a person who wasn't your spouse or "natural" child.

It tells me that you take your "rights" as a heterosexual, or caucasion, or Christian, for granted.

Absolutely in a perfect world there would be no need for such cultural groups. But unfortunately this isn't a perfect world.
As a matter of fact DCAflyer you're wrong. You see--and many of my fellow employees know of this. I am in a "mixed" marriage and had a manager many years ago tell me "we don't approve of "mixed" relationships. This was in a private meeting upon being called on the carpet. Wish I had had a tiny recorder on my person at that time--I'd own this airline. Or have lots of money. This was done in the South and I was very much upset by it. And, if you know Reno you know most of the other racial things you have said have happened here.
But, I didn't go around asking for special groups to address this. Of course, in those days who would? I just think there should be ONE group to fight against diversity not one for every group. I think you misunderstood and yes, in a perfect world we would not have to do this.
The MPA (Minority Professional Association) has been around for years, and the PWG (Professional Women's Group) was started a year ago. Not a SINGLE word of objection when they started up. Some of the objections on this board don't pass the scratch and sniff test... A lot of people still have problems with the gay issue. And it usually starts like this.. "I don't have anything against the gay people, however, .......(you fill in the rest)". This board would be on fire if we substituted "women", or "Hispanics" or "people in wheel chairs", or "Christians", every place someone has said gay.

There is still bigotry at USAirways (remember the nooses in PHL?). Diversity & Zero Tolerance is not about changing your moral or religious believes, it's treating your your co-workers with respect. They don't get more vacation, more sick time, etc, etc. So why would you possibly care if a bunch of people want to meet outside of company time and talk about the different issues effecting them at USAirways? Why do you care? Why is it an issue?

Check out this excellent website and try a few of their "hidden bias" test (this is legit). You can also read about all the hate that exist in the world and why diversity training and policies are still VERY much needed.

I think we need a special interest group for male lesbians.

Personally, I think special little clubs for minorities, women, white people and whoever else are disgusting. Basicly the "minority professionals association" is pretty much a "whites only club" but for people who aren't white.
I agree with those who resist all the company sponsored special groups. All these groups do is keep people isolated. The fact is that hatred and bigotry do still, and unfortunately probably always will exist. Having such organizations in the work place helps keep people separated instead of having to learn to tolerate each other as they are. What needs to be stressed is that this is a workplace, we are here for a singular purpose,earning money, not to socialize or push other social agendas. Performance at work is the only issue, what people do at home or in thier own time is thier own business. Live and let live. Black, white, Catholic, Protestant, straight, gay, Jew , Muslim, athiest and everything else, we all come here for one common purpose, to earn a living. Instead of forming all these "groups" you should be working together to improve your earnings.
Why whould any of this enter into the work place. It's no ones business what your sexual preferences is, or what religion you are, the only way another would know is "you" talking about it. None of this belongs in business/work area kept it to yourself. We're all "different". In my opinion that's what makes the world better. I'd sure hate to live in a "stepford" society.

On 1/30/2003 9:04:36 AM eolesen wrote:

On 1/29/2003 11:30:14 PM ScottishWitch wrote:

BB and slan leat,
Erin Saoirse
Translation for the "diversity" challenged?

slan leat = your health (more or less)

I never would have taken you for a Celt. You forgot the rest.
Erin Saoirse means Freedom for Ireland.

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