God I miss her...

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Aug 20, 2002
They were a fun ship! Remembering when.....Western Airlines DC10 FClass SLC/Lax/HNL HNL/SFO/SLC was the best ever, and I miss the Lone Ranger....I wonder if she's still out there somewhere.
You kids! Figured you were talking about the 707, or maybe even the DC-7, but then I see the picture and it's just one of those newfangled DC-10s....[:bigsmile:]
Thew power of that plane was unbelievable. I remember doing cheese head charters to Madison on the 10. When we unloaded and took off empty. I was in the ****pit. I swear the captain pushed the throttles forward and we were in the air in what seemed like 20 feet. The hard part I remember was trying to get a empty DC-10 to touch the runway. That thing floated. It was a true American Luxury Liner.
I missed out. I have been on DC-8's, 747's, and 707's on the ground, never in the air.

From a working stand point the DC10 was a great plane to work. It had a good crew compliment. Standard 8 number 9 and 10 when you had lunch or dinner to serve. Plenty of closet space. The lower lobe, a great escape from the madness. The stuff that went on down there with crew and passengers. I have heard enough stories to write a book. Best of all the senior Captains. I dont know how to describe them other than to say. They were the Captains, Captain. There are some great captains out there now. But there was always something about the DC10 guys. I can't describe it. It was a aura about them. They were the ones who were always accessible, they were protective of the crew, in the air on the ground at the hotel. Those guys I would see wait to make sure everyone had a room before disapearing in to the night. A Randy Kramer would best desribe what I mean. Never had the pleasure, But from what I have heard and read. I know this man is exactly what I am trying to describe.

Maybe somebody, someday will look at me with the same look I would give Dovie, when she would talk about flying the DC-3. The way I talk about the DC-10.
On 8/23/2002 9:06:16 AM

Nothing beat going to LAX in First on this beauty.She was a pain in the rear to work, but she rode like a Caddy.

Big Sexy Silver Machine

At least you can still fly First to LAX since the 200's will remain 3 class, at least for now.
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On 8/23/2002 10:42:15 PM

kirkpatrick wrote:

Isn't it silly? You can say words like "seniority" and "staple" and it squelches "prickpit." (Let's see if that one gets by)

Actually, during contract negotiations, "prickpit" is a much better term for it anyway.
God, I miss her too. As several of you have mentioned, rocket take-offs with a light load, great room, etc. My first DC-10 flight was in 1977, and right then she became my favorite aircraft. My son has decided my DC-10 model (AA of course!) now belongs in his bedroom rather than my office..LOL!

As I recall, in the late 70's the seating was 232 in coach..quite a difference from the later years of nearly 260 or so.Regular coach then had as much room or more than MRTC does now. Times do change.
Well, Douglas built a lifetime of utility in those birds, and we will see them around in freighters for a long time to come , just like her sister the DC-8. And when some airlines retire the plastic Toulouse toys from AI, the crews will probably fly home on a DC-9(like NW)or a MD-80.

Have a great weekend everyone!
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