Great Review...not


Nov 12, 2007


Originally Posted by Ned
The movie should have worked properly on both flights.
The bathroom occupied indicator should have worked.
Everyone who wanted food, especially on such a long flight, should have been able to purchase it. They should not have run out.
The overhead reading lights should work too (people were complaining about that on a flight I took recently.)
The seats should work. In fact, the FAA considers a seat which will not stay in the upright position a serious safety hazard.

This is the standard on the US Airways' fleet of America West planes.

If you are lucky to be a flight that has a movie, it is a miracle that it will work or if one of the FAs can run it correctly or they have the right movie. I can't tell you how many times that they play the same movie both directions (east\west; north\south).

I have been on several flights that the overhead reading lights don't work or can't stay on.

Before they start their Buy on Board - In-flight Café, they always make an announcement that it is a possibility that they will run out of food and/or the item that you want.

My last five flights on US Airways, the bathroom occupied indicator didn't worked.

[This post was moved from another thread, hence the opening quotation about airplane problems]
END QUOTE :down:

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