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Horizon Destruction In Work?

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
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Horizon Air Contract Negotiations Update
November 24, 2003

AMFA Local 17 has made available some TAs on 4 articles of the contract it is suggested that you read these and see exactly what AMFA is doing or NOT doing to represent the mechanics and related at Horizon Air.

Some of the highlights are:

Under Classification of Work - they can farm out a mechanic to fleet services wet wash aircraft for 14 days in a 30 day period
Under Classification of work - Paragraph J says that nothing in the article can contradict what is in the G.M.M. so this allows the company to have the ability to rewrite this article by revising the G.M.M. at their will without a vote or input from AMFA.
In Article 5 Grievance procedures - The company now can use any disciplinary action against you that has happened in a 18 month period - TWU contract had limited this to 1 year.
In Article 6 Health and Safety - They have written in that the company can use disciplinary action against someone who does not adhere to company safety rules.
Read the articles for yourself along with the negotiation update:

Grievance Procedures and System Board article
Health, Safety and Standards
Classification of Work Article
General Article

These are just a few examples of what AMFA has agreed upon at the negotiating table. It is no wonder that Horizon Air mechanics and related are getting sold down the river by AMFA since to date AMFA has n0t provided a lawyer for contract negotiations however the company does have their lawyer present. Instead the Horizon Air contract team is headed up by 2 Alaska Mechanics which of course Dave Johnson said would never happen.
AMFA promised professional contract negotiators and lawyers for all contract negotiations and they have not provided any professionals or lawyers. Dave Johnson said that we needed professionals to negotiate our contract not mechanics because we (mechanics) don't know how to negotiate contracts. Dave Johnson used this argument against the TWU saying that Horizon Air contracts would be negotiated by professionals not mechanics. Well Dave, where are the professionals all we have is mechanics negotiating and you said mechanics are competent to negotiate contracts?

Amfa Watchdogs
We are Watching!

You need to wonder what is going on at the negotiation table? Amfa using Fleet Service to cross utilize work and gutting the contract. Next you will see binding arbitration inserted and no future negotiations allowed!!!!!

The Damage is continuing under amfa, at all Airlines. Is this what you want for AA Members having NW Negotiating our contract with unlimited farmout rights?

Make a Smart Choice and tell amfa you do not want to sign a card!

Unlike with the TWU at AA, the AMFA member will get full disclosure of contract terms, and a legitimate vote.

At Horizon, are they giving up anything close to:

-17.5% in base pay
- 5 Paid Holidays
- 5 Vacation Days
- 50% pay on sick time used
- Skill/License pay
- Shift Differential
- Weekend Premiuim
- Longevity

I didn't think so!
CIO, why did you not post the address so that anyone who wanted to could go read it??? Those guys are in OPEN NEGOTIATIONS unlike the TWU's/AA behind closed door (out of the memberships view) policy. Also they will have FULL CONTRACT LAUNGAGE before they vote. Here is the address:


Also here is a site simular to CIO's above, difference being it has integrity:

Mr. cio mullins,

If factual, I would take Horizons' contract over what we have....today. Why do you still insist that NWA has "unlimited farmouts"?

Is it because you can't read? We know your thick, but jeeeeez!

What is our AA farmout rate rick? Do you have any idea? When was the last time the twu compiled an RO report? Contract says twice a year, right? Again, when is that farmout grievance being filed?

We have, BY FAR, the worst contract of any major.....bar none. You and your failed team twu is the reason why we will remove you and your beloved twu. TWU will be replaced with AMFA. Rational individuals understand the twu is the worst union at any airline, and your constant twu deceit has finally caught up with you.

You twu clowns have made your bed (the AMFA drive), and now you will lie in it (removed!)

Get use to the idea of working on aircraft again Mr. mullins. :unsure:

You disgust me you lying sack of sh*t.
The company now can use any disciplinary action against you that has happened in a 18 month period - TWU contract had limited this to 1 year.


Why do you lie, letters remain in your file for 2 years and will be used against you during that period, page 142 of your contract. I have also witnessed expired letters being reused to help terminate fellow mechanics years later as the company supports their position with past letters at the arbritration. Also any letter the company can alledge is out of the result of a so-called job action or slowdown, is a life sentence letter, page 211 of your beloved contract.

How about the twu forfeiting job security if we can bargain back paid lunches, lessen the pay progression steps, and other work rules, page 204.

Link to your beloved contract...

Give it up already, another few weeks and you'll be done. :shock:
Think about this:

Under Classification of Work - they can farm out a mechanic to fleet services wet wash aircraft for 14 days in a 30 day period

Amfa has been claiming the Mechanics will be negotiating seperatly and will be a Mechanic Only Group. Here they are negotiating work language to allow the Mechanics to cross utilize as a Fleet Service Clerk!!!!

With amfa having the obvious highest percentage of layoffs in the Industry and giving work away you watch they will probably be Inserting Baseball Arbitration in the language at Horizon on top of it.

Any takers on when the contracts will be settled at any of the current contacts that are being negotiated under Amfa? I bet when NW starts Negotiating with Amfa it will not be settled before We at AA start.!!!!! 😱


:down: :down: :down: :down:
The use of repair stations to complete aircraft maintenance is becoming as fundamental to air carriers’ maintenance programs as their own internal maintenance facilities. Although air carriers have outsourced portions of their maintenance work for years, this practice has recently become more pronounced. As a January 2003, major air carriers were using repair stations for 47 percent of their total aircraft maintenance costs. While major air carriers spent $1.5 billion on outsourced maintenance work in 1996, the amount spent on outsourced maintenance has increased to $2.5 billion in 2002.
Under Article 2 Scope of Agreement Paragraph C states:

The Company agrees that all work normally performed by the employees covered by this Agreement in its Maintenance Shops, Airport Stations, or other facilities is recognized as coming within the jurisdiction of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association and is covered by this Agreement. The parties agree that the Company may (1) continue to contract out work heretofore customarily farmed out; (2) return equipment, parts, or assemblies to the manufacturers or to a manufacturer-approved repair station for repair or replacement; (3) purchase necessary parts, equipment or facilities including but not limited to the installation of fixed equipment and new facilities construction; (4) contract out any work when the Company's facilities, equipment or personnel are not sufficient or available or where employees covered by this Agreement do not have the experience and ability to satisfactorily perform the work required or warranty agreements exist; (5) contract out any work for which the Company's cost exceeds the vendors charges, less material; (6) reserve the right to contract out other work with the approval of the Union.

This was negotiated with the first AMFA contract at Alaska and was not amended with this last contract negotiations. Why is AMFA letting Alaska farm out what ever work they want and as much as they want?
Checking it Out said:
Horizon Air Contract Negotiations Update
November 24, 2003

AMFA Local 17 has made available some TAs on 4 articles of the contract it is suggested that you read these and see exactly what AMFA is doing or NOT doing to represent the mechanics and related at Horizon Air.

Some of the highlights are:

Under Classification of Work - they can farm out a mechanic to fleet services wet wash aircraft for 14 days in a 30 day period
Under Classification of work - Paragraph J says that nothing in the article can contradict what is in the G.M.M. so this allows the company to have the ability to rewrite this article by revising the G.M.M. at their will without a vote or input from AMFA.
In Article 5 Grievance procedures - The company now can use any disciplinary action against you that has happened in a 18 month period - TWU contract had limited this to 1 year.
In Article 6 Health and Safety - They have written in that the company can use disciplinary action against someone who does not adhere to company safety rules.
Read the articles for yourself along with the negotiation update:

Grievance Procedures and System Board article
Health, Safety and Standards
Classification of Work Article
General Article

These are just a few examples of what AMFA has agreed upon at the negotiating table. It is no wonder that Horizon Air mechanics and related are getting sold down the river by AMFA since to date AMFA has n0t provided a lawyer for contract negotiations however the company does have their lawyer present. Instead the Horizon Air contract team is headed up by 2 Alaska Mechanics which of course Dave Johnson said would never happen.
AMFA promised professional contract negotiators and lawyers for all contract negotiations and they have not provided any professionals or lawyers. Dave Johnson said that we needed professionals to negotiate our contract not mechanics because we (mechanics) don't know how to negotiate contracts. Dave Johnson used this argument against the TWU saying that Horizon Air contracts would be negotiated by professionals not mechanics. Well Dave, where are the professionals all we have is mechanics negotiating and you said mechanics are competent to negotiate contracts?

Amfa Watchdogs
We are Watching!

You need to wonder what is going on at the negotiation table? Amfa using Fleet Service to cross utilize work and gutting the contract. Next you will see binding arbitration inserted and no future negotiations allowed!!!!!

The Damage is continuing under amfa, at all Airlines. Is this what you want for AA Members having NW Negotiating our contract with unlimited farmout rights?

Make a Smart Choice and tell amfa you do not want to sign a card!
Rusty many thanks for the address (AMFA17.ORG) I went and 'checked it out'

CIO you never miss a chance to spin,
Guess what, under the twu agreement at Horizon they dont have an article for classification of work. The closest thing they have is (Art 2 recognition) and the last sentence states this.

Listing of classifications for purposes of defining the bargaining unit is NOT A LIMITATION ON ASSIGNMENT OF WORK and is NOT A MANNING REQUIREMENT.

Under the twu/Horizon agreement Horizon had unlimited ability to cross utilize.

What you should have stated is this. AMFA ESTABLISHES NEW ARTICLE TO PROTECT ITS MEMBERS FROM UNLIMITED CROSS UTILIZATION. Why dont you post the last paragragh in our own twu/aa agreement under classifications, the one that starts with REGARDLESS OF ANYTHING IN THIS AGREEMENT

Fleet Service Clerk??? You must be sweating AMFA pretty bad to spin this one. There is a Fleet Service Agent classification but they in no way are associated with bag smashers.

Just out of curiosity when was the last time you worked on an aircraft or component at aa?
Do you have an A+P?
Checking it Out said:
Amfa has been claiming the Mechanics will be negotiating seperatly and will be a Mechanic Only Group. Here they are negotiating work language to allow the Mechanics to cross utilize as a Fleet Service Clerk!!!!
You are well aware that fleet service is aircraft cleaners at Horizon and Alaskan. Remember the world doesn't revolve around AA and their terminology of work groups. How about our labor loans with 7 days notice out of seniority and yes we have been labor loaned to the wash rack.
The actual language...

Notice that fleet service is cleaners, painter, etc....

Previous contract, try not to choke reading this.....

Now what does our contract state......

The company may assign any employee to perform any work in any clasification in this agreement.. page 55 art 2h Not to mention our labor loan BS.

Keep the lies coming.....
TWU informer said:

Unlike with the TWU at AA, the AMFA member will get full disclosure of contract terms, and a legitimate vote.

At Horizon, are they giving up anything close to:

-17.5% in base pay
- 5 Paid Holidays
- 5 Vacation Days
- 50% pay on sick time used
- Skill/License pay
- Shift Differential
- Weekend Premiuim
- Longevity

I didn't think so!
Unfortunatly Alaska mechanics are no where close to matching our "concessionary" pay rate! Why are Amfa mechanics AT ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE AIRLINES IN THE COUNTRY making less than mechanics at AA?
Checking it Out said:
Horizon Air Contract Negotiations Update
November 24, 2003

AMFA Local 17 has made available some TAs on 4 articles of the contract it is suggested that you read these and see exactly what AMFA is doing or NOT doing to represent the mechanics and related at Horizon Air.

Some of the highlights are:

Under Classification of Work - they can farm out a mechanic to fleet services wet wash aircraft for 14 days in a 30 day period
Under Classification of work - Paragraph J says that nothing in the article can contradict what is in the G.M.M. so this allows the company to have the ability to rewrite this article by revising the G.M.M. at their will without a vote or input from AMFA.
In Article 5 Grievance procedures - The company now can use any disciplinary action against you that has happened in a 18 month period - TWU contract had limited this to 1 year.
In Article 6 Health and Safety - They have written in that the company can use disciplinary action against someone who does not adhere to company safety rules.
Read the articles for yourself along with the negotiation update:

Grievance Procedures and System Board article
Health, Safety and Standards
Classification of Work Article
General Article

These are just a few examples of what AMFA has agreed upon at the negotiating table. It is no wonder that Horizon Air mechanics and related are getting sold down the river by AMFA since to date AMFA has n0t provided a lawyer for contract negotiations however the company does have their lawyer present. Instead the Horizon Air contract team is headed up by 2 Alaska Mechanics which of course Dave Johnson said would never happen.
AMFA promised professional contract negotiators and lawyers for all contract negotiations and they have not provided any professionals or lawyers. Dave Johnson said that we needed professionals to negotiate our contract not mechanics because we (mechanics) don't know how to negotiate contracts. Dave Johnson used this argument against the TWU saying that Horizon Air contracts would be negotiated by professionals not mechanics. Well Dave, where are the professionals all we have is mechanics negotiating and you said mechanics are competent to negotiate contracts?

Amfa Watchdogs
We are Watching!

You need to wonder what is going on at the negotiation table? Amfa using Fleet Service to cross utilize work and gutting the contract. Next you will see binding arbitration inserted and no future negotiations allowed!!!!!

The Damage is continuing under amfa, at all Airlines. Is this what you want for AA Members having NW Negotiating our contract with unlimited farmout rights?

Make a Smart Choice and tell amfa you do not want to sign a card!

AAmech said:
TWU informer said:

Unlike with the TWU at AA, the AMFA member will get full disclosure of contract terms, and a legitimate vote.

At Horizon, are they giving up anything close to:

-17.5% in base pay
- 5 Paid Holidays
- 5 Vacation Days
- 50% pay on sick time used
- Skill/License pay
- Shift Differential
- Weekend Premiuim
- Longevity

I didn't think so!
Unfortunatly Alaska mechanics are no where close to matching our "concessionary" pay rate! Why are Amfa mechanics AT ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE AIRLINES IN THE COUNTRY making less than mechanics at AA?
take all our concessions in benefits, then add them to the 17.5% and we make less than Alaskan Air. Do the math!
TeamTWU said:
The use of repair stations to complete aircraft maintenance is becoming as fundamental to air carriers’ maintenance programs as their own internal maintenance facilities. Although air carriers have outsourced portions of their maintenance work for years, this practice has recently become more pronounced. As a January 2003, major air carriers were using repair stations for 47 percent of their total aircraft maintenance costs. While major air carriers spent $1.5 billion on outsourced maintenance work in 1996, the amount spent on outsourced maintenance has increased to $2.5 billion in 2002.
Under Article 2 Scope of Agreement Paragraph C states:

The Company agrees that all work normally performed by the employees covered by this Agreement in its Maintenance Shops, Airport Stations, or other facilities is recognized as coming within the jurisdiction of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association and is covered by this Agreement. The parties agree that the Company may (1) continue to contract out work heretofore customarily farmed out; (2) return equipment, parts, or assemblies to the manufacturers or to a manufacturer-approved repair station for repair or replacement; (3) purchase necessary parts, equipment or facilities including but not limited to the installation of fixed equipment and new facilities construction; (4) contract out any work when the Company's facilities, equipment or personnel are not sufficient or available or where employees covered by this Agreement do not have the experience and ability to satisfactorily perform the work required or warranty agreements exist; (5) contract out any work for which the Company's cost exceeds the vendors charges, less material; (6) reserve the right to contract out other work with the approval of the Union.

This was negotiated with the first AMFA contract at Alaska and was not amended with this last contract negotiations. Why is AMFA letting Alaska farm out what ever work they want and as much as they want?
team twu
were you trained by cio?

Why is AMFA letting Alaska farm out whatever work they want and as much as they want? Dude your grasping!