IAM-M & IAM-FSA TA Details

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Aug 19, 2002
Now let's hope management can put all of this plus the vendor and other cost reductions to work, and let's hope all of this leads to final approval of the ATSB loan. It would be such a shame to fail at this point, given all the work everyone has put in to making this work. It still feels like a house of cards, though.
The actual value of ALPA's contribution when the full benefit of reducing the pension is considered is probably closer to $180 million per year.
US Airways will save about $45 million a year under the proposed contract with mechanics and cleaners, and $14 million from the deal with baggage handlers.

Modified restructuring agreement scorecard:

ALPA - $101 million
CWA - $11 million
TWU - $2 million
Management - $13 million
IAM-M - $45 million
IAM-FSA - $14 million
AFA - ?

Total - $186 million per year + AFA contribution

[P align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]IAM Fleet Service Agent Modified Restructuring Agreement Term Sheet [/STRONG][/FONT][/P]
[P align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Click onto: [/FONT][A href=http://www.iam141.org/iamtermsheet.htm#IAMTermSheet][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]http://www.iam141.org/iamtermsheet.htm#IAMTermSheet[/FONT][/A][/P]
[P align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3][STRONG]IAM Mechanic and Utility Modified Restructuring Agreement Term sheet[/STRONG][/FONT][/P]
[P align=left][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Click onto: [/FONT][A href=http://www.iam141m.org/12202002TA.pdf][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]http://www.iam141m.org/12202002TA.pdf[/FONT][/A][/P]
The duty rig changes that ALPA took was a "Me Too" in the AFA contract. That alone saved 10.2 million from the flight attendants.
In the IAM Fleet deal, just a few furloughs, but it will be by attrition. In IAM Mechanic deal, some people will be furloughed, but the outsourcing proposals were withdrawn, meaning fewer people will be furloughed. Mechanics will also receive license premium increass over and above what was agreed to in the first restructuring agreement.
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